What's Your Favorite Disney Movie??

Everyone seems to have a favorite Disney movie.  My favorite will forever be Tangled.  I know, there are other more popular choices.  But as is the case with most of my favorite things, this one's my fav because of the memories I have surrounding the movie.


Tangled came out in 2010 and if you haven’t seen it, what are you waiting for?  It’s one of the most funny Disney animated films and has the best songs.  Yeah, I know Frozen is up there for most people in the song department, but I love every song in Tangled.

Luke was 3 when the movie came out and from the moment he saw it, he was hooked.  His Nana made him a Flynn Rider costume and he wore it ALL OF THE TIME.  He had a Rapunzel doll and we spent a lot of time brushing her hair.  We got a new dog and Tangled was still such a hit, we named the dog Flynn (against the protests of the other two boys, of course).

He was what you might call obsessed. 

We went to Disney World the year after the movie came out and Luke’s main mission for the trip was to get to meet Rapunzel and Flynn.  He’s lucky that he has a Dad willing to make his little dreams come true and Don waited in line for over an hour in the blazing sun at her Meet & Greet while I took the boys to the shade to keep cool.  Totally worth it (at least to Luke and I). He got to meet them both and had a sweet conversation with her.  He was completely in love!

Later that summer, he wanted a Tangled birthday party and of course, I was on board with that. 

Several years later, when we returned to Disney World, he thought he was too old to visit with Rapunzel again.  But being the sweetheart that he is, he took this pic with me outside of her tower. 


I will forever associate Tangled with that sweet little boy and his “smolder.”  If you don’t get the smolder reference, would you PLEASE go watch the movie!!  

What’s your favorite Disney movie?  I’d love to hear about it and why!

And if you have a little one that’s really into Disney now, take a trip to meet their heroes!  Time gets away from you and before you know it, they think they’re too old to take that priceless picture.