Disneyland vs. Disney World - Which One is Better? Part One...

Traveling to Disneyland and Disney World both within the last year, I have found myself constantly comparing the two. So today, I want to tell you what’s the same, what’s different and which one I prefer!

First off, as I heard many times during my recent Disneyland training, picking one over the other is kind of like picking your favorite child. Can’t (or shouldn’t!) really be done. So I’ll have a hard time saying, “if you can only go to one, go here…” But I will tell you which parts of the parks are different in good and bad ways.

Something unique to Disneyland is that Walt Disney himself set foot there. To a Disnerd like myself, that’s pretty incredible. I love the fact that Walt’s apartment has been kept intact above the firehouse on Main Street. You can even go in it if you do the “Walk in Walt’s Footsteps” tour. Sadly, I didn’t get to do the tour this time but it’s on my list to do when I return!

The biggie in favor of Disneyland is the transportation. Or really lack thereof. The entire 4 days I was at Disneyland, I never set foot in a bus, car or public transportation. Other than the ride from the airport to Disneyland, I walked. The 3 onsite hotels are literally onsite. Unlike Disney World where you may still be a few miles from the park you want to visit, you are within walking distance to both parks. The nearby Good Neighbor hotels are also within walking distance!

And if you want to park hop, you don’t need to factor in transportation time. It takes literally 30 seconds to walk from the exit of one park to the entrance of the other. And even better, security checkpoints are outside of this area so to go from one park to the other doesn’t require going through security again!

There are a few rides that I think are better at Disneyland:

Space Mountain - It seemed darker and more intense. I don’t tend to get butterflies on the Disney World version but I did at Disneyland! I also like that you can sit side-by-side which is nice if you have a smaller child you want to sit with. Luke was pretty nervous on the Disney World one the first time since he was in a row alone.

it’s a small world - Disneyland puts much more emphasis on this ride. It’s in a stand-alone building here rather than mixed in with the other rides of Fantasyland. And during the holidays, they go all out and overlay it with a holiday theme. So cute and festive!! Beware though - they intersperse Jingle Bells with the Small World theme song throughout and it WILL get stuck in your head!! :)

Autopia (Tomorrowland Speedway at WDW) - This ride is certainly not a thrill ride and you can feel like you’ve gotten whiplash if you let your kid drive. But this version seemed easier to control, was a longer drive and had a lot more to see and do on it. Way better than the Disney World version which we sometimes skip.

Another plus for Disneyland is that they have a couple of lands that Disney World doesn’t. The theming and the rides in Cars Land and Pixar Pier are outstanding. Radiator Springs Racers is up there with my favorite rides ever!

So based on just these few things, can I say which one is my favorite? You know me - of course I can’t! Look for Part 2 next week on the things that I prefer at Disney World. Maybe then I’ll be able to decide…

And of course, call me and let’s chat about which one would be best for you and your family! I would love to plan and book your trip at NO ADDITIONAL COST TO YOU!!