Christmas is the Perfect Time to Surprise Your Family with a Trip!

I LOVE surprising my kids and can't think of anything more fun than surprising them with a trip to Disney World.  The first time we went, they were too young to get it and I just told them with no fanfare.  Without having a clue about Disney World, they were excited about a trip but it wasn't a huge thing.  

The next time we went, I planned it out and set up the video camera to capture the moment.  No big fanfare again - although I feel like I missed an opportunity there - but at least I got it on video.  It was the best/worst reaction in the world.  Watch this video to see why...


Obviously, it wasn't the destination that caused the meltdown at the end, but the means of travel.  He'd never flown before and he was none too excited about the idea.  Thankfully, I had surprised them with this news months before we were going so we had plenty of time to prepare him.  In the end, he did fine, but I think if we had tried to leave that next day, he would still be screaming in the airport.

Some things to keep in mind while deciding how or when to surprise your family:

1)  Plan your surprise based on the reaction you expect from your kids.  Some will need to know far in advance to mentally prepare themselves for a flight or just a trip in general.  And some will be agonized over a long wait time.  Obviously hard to really know ahead of time, but be ready for either reaction.

2)  Don't mislead them about the destination.  If you've got a kid that loves skiing more than anything else, they might be disappointed when it's revealed that the trip is heading in the opposite direction.  

3)  If they are older, surprise them well in advance.  Then let them do research with you as to what dining reservations they'd like, FastPasses they want or even give their input on which resort to stay at.  As much as I would love someone to put me on a plane and send me to Disney, I'd be a little disappointed if I didn't have a hand in the planning.  That's part of the fun for me!

Below are just a few ideas I've found around the internet from others that have surprised their kids.  Give one a try and let me know in the comments how well it was received!  And if you've done something similar, comment below to share.

* Scavenger hunt with clues leading around the house to various hidden Disney items (great use for dollar store items), with the end clue telling them they're going to Disney.

* Print up colorful tickets for Disney showing dates of trip and wrap up.  Most fun to put in small box, then in bigger boxes for a bunch of unwrapping!

* Send your kids mail from Mickey and Friends telling them they can't wait for them to visit, and give details in the letter about the trip.

* If you've already booked a trip and have your MagicBands, wrap those up and put under the tree.

* Print pictures of the Castle and also print pictures of your kids.  Cut out the kid's pics and attach them to the front of the castle to where it looks like they are there.  Put a note with it saying it will happen soon!

* Get Mickey shirts for the whole family and let them know they'll be wearing them while meeting Mickey!

* If your kids are younger, you might enlist Santa's help or their Elf on the Shelf.  I know some elves show up in Mickey ears.

* Make pancakes for breakfast and pour the batter into the shape of Mickey ears.