What Does Lack of Planning Cause? Just Ask Grumpy!

Don't let Grumpy take over by getting hungry, hot or flustered on your Disney trip due to lack of planning.  Even though you're in the Happiest Place on Earth, you're not a magical creature and humans do sometimes get Grumpy.  

There tend to be 5 main reasons why people turn into Grumpy:

  • Hungry
  • Thirsty
  • Hot/Cold
  • Tired
  • Just Too Much

Hungry - This one seems like a no-brainer but it can definitely sneak up on you.  You're probably walking a lot more than normal and even if you're not typically a snacker, one might be a good idea since you're burning extra calories.  And it just takes one line that is a few minutes longer than you expect for you to eat lunch a little later than normal and that hungry monster rears its head.  

Keep snacks with you - Disney lets you bring in your own food!  Also, if there's a restaurant that you really want to eat in, be sure to let me know so I can get you reservations.  Hunger gets much worse when you walk up without reservations and hear that the standby line is longer than you expected.

Below is one of my favorite photo sequences.  The before shot is Luke having a complete meltdown at a dinner that we got to later than we expected.  The after shot is his happiness when the awesome Cast Member saw his meltdown and brought him dessert.

It didn't help that we all were laughing at the poor kid.  Seems cruel, I know, but you had to be there!!  Anyway, look how well he recovered at the sight of sugar.  I don't know what it is about the food and treats at Disney - sugar rush, sheer deliciousness or a secret ingredient which is Disney Magic but we always feel better after eating.

Thirsty - Again, should be obvious but still sneaks up.  Especially in the hotter months, you can become dehydrated quickly.  Water, water, water should always be on your mind.  We always take in our own bottles of water which Disney also allows!  This way we can throw them all in our backpack if we hop on a ride and don't have to worry about a cup spilling.  Disney does offer free water at Quick Service locations but it's in the form of a small cup and you have to stand in line.   And if you're like me and have a teeny, tiny addiction to caffeine, be sure and keep your levels up!  A caffeine headache is magnified in crowds it seems.  Take advantage of another freebie Disney offers by heading over to Club Cool at Epcot where you can try lots of Coke products (for Free!) from around the world.  Be sure and try the Beverly.  It's yummy.  Honest.

Hot/Cold - I know you're probably laughing at "cold" but I've been in February without a great jacket and got chilly.  Pretty much anytime the temperature isn't perfect, I can get Grumpy.  So plan ahead and do what you need to be comfortable.  I have no problem carrying a light jacket in my backpack just in case.  And to beat the heat, take advantage of any air conditioning you can.  Many, many rides have indoor queues with A/C.  If you find yourself getting too warm, take a break inside a store or sit down in the shade with Dole Whip!

Tired - I personally don't get tired at Disney.  Yeah, yeah, you don't believe me but I don't!  My family on the other hand...  Let's just say they claim going at my pace makes them need a vacation when we get home.  If you're the same way, take breaks.  Go back to the resort and swim, nap or whatever else recharges you.  Scheduling a couple of sit-down table service dining reservations can help with a small break without leaving the parks.  If you have a stroller (which you should!) then smaller kids can nap while you're on the move.  Older ones may need to head back to the resort for a bit to get to a quiet spot.  This is when staying on property is such a good idea. 

Just Too Much - What?  Not for me.  But for others, maybe.  Some people just get sensory overload and need a break whether they're tired or not.  Could be you just need to get to a quieter section of the park.  Could be you just need to get away from the sounds and excitement of the parades or fireworks.  Trust me, you can force your kids to watch the fireworks while they scream and cry or you can skip it that night and have a much more peaceful evening.  

Whatever your family needs, try to stay ahead of it.  If you know that your kid's Grumpy trigger is hunger, for heaven's sake, carry some snacks!  If you know you'll have one that needs a nap, schedule it in.

I can help you plan for whatever you need - just let me know!  And let's all try to be Happy rather than Grumpy!!