My Favorite "Disney Magic" Stories

I subscribe to several Disney websites/blogs/newsletters written for and by Disney nerds like myself.  My favorite articles are always the ones in which people tell of their stories of "Disney Magic."  It's a real thing, people!  And it always warms my heart to hear their tales of a bad day made better by a great cast member, a surprise in their hotel room, a free treat or a FastPass given to them that they weren't expecting.

Here are a few of my personal favorite Magical Moments:

We happened to walk by a Character Greeting area for Belle and noticed that she would be there in five minutes and no one was in line yet.  We got in line to wait and right as she was walking up, it started to rain.  She asked Luke if he would mind walking with her to an inside area since she didn't want him to get rained on.  They walked together for several minutes while he chatted with her nonstop.   I have to admit I enjoyed the jealous looks on others' faces as we walked along!

I've mentioned this one before, but it still boggles my mind that we waited less than 30 minutes for Santa at Disney World!  We would've waited an hour minimum at the mall at home.  More Disney Magic as we just happened to get in line the second before they closed it.

More character Magic...  Mary Poppins is one of my favorite characters but I've never seen her in the parks.  On our last day, we had just a few minutes and I insisted we go into Magic Kingdom for the time we had left.  Right as we walked in, I saw Mary with not a single person around her.  I grabbed Luke and headed over to visit with her.  He was wearing his "Happy Birthday, Sharkey" button and Mary noticed it.  When we explained to her that Sharkey is a nickname, she clapped and yelled, "Brilliant!"  Luke (and I!) loved it!

Gaston, of course, is one of the most rude characters in the parks and we were lucky to get to visit with him for a while.  So rude to me, but so nice to Luke.  Luke laughed for ages when Gaston told me to "Smile like you're making me a sandwich."  

Do you have a Disney Magic story?  If so, please comment below and warm my heart with your memories!