Sprinkle some MAGIC into your daily lives!

Can’t make it to Disney World or Universal Studios anytime soon? When it’s a long time between trips (or really even a few days), I start to miss my Happy Places. To make it bearable, I like to sprinkle magic into my daily life. Often times you’ll see my with my Mickey hat/shirt/necklace or drinking from my awesome new Harry Potter tumbler while I’m out.

I love to listen to Disney music, watch movies, and reminisce over the pictures that I have taken from all of my Disney & Universal trips.

One of the most fun things to keep the magic alive at home is to incorporate the fun into parties that you’re having! Before my kids were too old to tell me they didn’t want these AWESOME parties, I had a great time planning and throwing some fun Disney/Universal themed parties and wearing matching Halloween costumes!

Enjoy the pics below and remember to get your own dose of magic for your next vacation, give me a call! There are NO FEES for booking and planning your trip!!


Got great news yesterday - I’ve been selected to go to Disneyland for an Agent Education Program!! If you’ve been reading my blog for a while now, you’ll remember that I was lucky enough to get to go on a similar training trip a couple of years ago to Disney World. I am ridiculously excited to get to go to Disneyland for this!

The last time I was at Disneyland was around 1980 (that’s me 2nd from the left in the Castle pic). Things have changed a bit since then! Although I keep up with Disneyland news and information via blogs, websites, podcasts… It’s amazing how seeing something in person can exponentially increase knowledge. So I’m ready to go and learn for you! Hit me up with any questions you have ahead of time (I’m going November 6) so that I can do my on-site research. I promise it will be ALL work and NO play!! :)

Then and Now

When you take a trip to Disney, there are always new things to experience and see.  But today's post will take a look at some of the pictures that are my favorite because each time we go, we get to do something we remember and love.  

I drive the family crazy by making them take pictures we've posed for in the past or by making them recreate a memory from a previous trip.  These are some of my favorite pictures!  Scroll through them to enjoy my pics of Then and Now...

When you're ready to make these memories for yourself - please let me know!  I'll plan and book a Magical trip for you with no cost to you!!

Want to Know Where to Get the Best Pics at Disney World?

If you're anything like me, you have what you think of as an excellent memory.  But then you see a picture of something and realize you had forgotten all about that moment.

So to make sure you have a lasting memory of the fun you had on vacation, you'll want to have a lot of pics from your trip.  In this post, I'll let you know about some fun and new Photopass experiences and some pics you don't want to miss.

First, the pics you have to have...

In my book, if you don't get a family photo in front of the Castle and a family photo with Mickey, you've completely failed and will need to redo the whole trip!  It was almost a disaster this time as we weren't able to get the Mickey pic until OUR LAST DAY.  Trust me I was stressed about it.  The problem is that our usual plan of meeting Mickey first thing in the morning never panned out.  Both days that we started at Magic Kingdom didn't work - one was race day so we weren't there at rope drop and the other was the day that it was just Luke and I while the others played golf.  Now that Mickey has some cool technology that allows him to interact with the guests, the line gets crazy long.  So while I normally don't recommend a FastPass for a character meeting, if you're not going first thing, you might think about doing that.  I've heard rumors that they may discontinue the technology and just have standard photo ops which would speed up the line but that's not been verified yet.

Other pics that I love are those that you can only get if you purchase them through PhotoPass.  If you do Memory Maker (read more about that here), you can get all of these pics for one price.  If you don't think you'll want them all, you can purchase them individually from the website.  I love the Magic Shots and the in-ride photos.  Here are some of the new ones they offer since we were last there:

I love that each time we go, there is something new we haven't done or seen.  The Hitchhiking Ghost is one of my favorite pics from this trip!  And the addition of the in-ride photo at Pirates of the Caribbean is fun.  I'll admit that the Lantern pic is one of my most and least favorite pics.  The lighting makes me look 1,000 years old - yes, let's just say it's the lighting.  But you know how I love Tangled so the boys went and rode a couple rides while I waited in line for this.  Beware, the line is long since they only do this shot after dark and it seems to take people FOREVER to get together and smile, but I love it.  To get this pic, just head to the restrooms in Rapunzel's area (I still can't believe all she has are restrooms!!) sometime after dusk.  

Sadly one pic that I had heard rumors of before we went was a Magic Shot one with a Giant Dole Whip!  They are supposedly near Aloha Isle but I was never able to find a photographer there.  If you go, check for yourself and send me your pic if you get one!!

And lastly, don't forget to take lots of pics with your phone or personal camera.  As much as I love the PhotoPass pics, you can get a lot of really memorable ones yourself and they're free!  Also, don't underestimate your kids' photography skills.  Luke and Andrew took a lot of pics for me when I was on a ride or just not with them.  The first one in this group is one that will always remind me that Andrew had a broken finger and his cast REEKED of the nastiest odor ever! 

The next one is a really fun picture that you can ask the balloon vendor to help you with - they won't let go of the balloons, but they will move out of the shot so it looks like you've got the whole bunch.  

The next one is a benefit of early morning dining reservations.  A picture in front of the castle alone!  It's rare to get a pic without a throng of people in your shot.  And the last one is special to me since it's a pic of my race medal.  I love the castle in the background.  You can do this with anything you'd like - a new souvenir, a child's favorite stuffed animal...  I wish I'd had somebody's Flat Stanley with me on this trip!  

As much as I love being at Disney World, I know that memories fade.  These pictures won't and they'll bring me joy forever.  Let me help you plan a memorable trip so that you can get your own awesome pics!!







An Honest Account of the Amazing Highs (and a few lows) From Our Disney Vacation

I tend to only talk about the positive aspects of a Disney Vacation.  I am, after all, hoping you'll book a trip through me and have an amazing time!  But I know that no trip is ever perfect from beginning to end.  You'll hit some bumps along the way - but after reading this, I hope you'll see that the highs completely outweigh the lows.  


This kid.  This kid right here made my whole week with one amazing morning.  We ran the runDisney Half Marathon together.  It could have been a disaster.  He had a broken toe and a hurt arm in the weeks leading up to the race.  With that and his school/sports schedule, he didn't get in many long runs.  

And then the worst happened and 2 days prior to the trip, we all got the nastiest stomach bug I've ever encountered.  I wasn't sure he'd be able to stand up on Saturday, much less run 13.1 miles.  On the monorail to the race, I kept looking at him thinking he looked pale and tired and it was never going to happen.  


We hadn't slept much the night before (you have to be on the monorail by 3:30am) and then we had to walk 1.5 miles to get to the start line.  As if that wasn't enough, we stood in frigid temperatures (34 degrees) with shorts on (I'm Mom of the Year and didn't think we'd need tights) for a couple of hours waiting for the race to start.

Having also not eaten much for days, it's a wonder we made it to the race.  But when we crossed the start line, Ryan ran his heart out.  We only stopped for a restroom break once and we'd walk while we took a sip of water.  Other than that, we ran the entire race.  

I'm still amazed at him.  I KNOW he was tired and hurting but he never complained.  And with a half mile to go, he actually said, "Mom, I'll let you cross the finish line first if you want to beat me."  

I felt like crying - and you know I'd already gotten teary-eyed running through the castle!  I didn't let him let me win - how embarrassing for your 46-year-old mother to beat you.  But it was so sweet that he was willing to do that!  


There may have been a bit of complaining in the next couple of days about sore feet but that was a tiny little low compared to the high of him running his first half marathon with me!!  I'd had dreams of running a race at Disney and thanks to him, I did it. 

Kid #2!!

I always feel a little guilty taking Andrew to amusement parks.  He goes and he says he has a good time, but he just doesn't like to ride most of the rides.  So he stands in line for quite some time with us and then goes out the exit when we get on the rides. 

A lot of people - scratch that - MOST people would complain about the waits or about standing in line for a ride they're not interested in, but he really doesn't.  He willingly holds all of my stuff - my heavy backpack and camera.  And he'll even try to get a pic of us on the ride - like this awesome one here:



He was such a trooper this trip.  I wanted to hit 4 parks in one day and he was up for it.  I wanted to stop a take a picture with Peter Pan.  Fine by him.  I wanted to ride Small World one last time.  No complaints.  So thankful for the good attitude and sweet spirit in this boy!


Kid #3!

When we started planning this trip, I mentioned to the boys how much I'd like to go to eat in the Castle.  With all boys, I'd never considered eating a meal where 5 different princesses come by your table.  Luke went through the "Rapunzel love" phase when he was 2, but he's 10 now.  (Do yourself a favor and look at his Rapunzel phase here!)  I suggested they go play golf and I would just be that weirdo eating by myself in the castle. 

But Luke offered to go with me.  I know he wasn't a huge fan of it.  This pic of him with Cinderella is quite different than his past pics with Rapunzel.


When the princesses came around during breakfast, I told them he was my photographer so he took all of the pics of us.  I think he enjoyed that much more than being fawned on by pretty girls!  Again, there was no complaining!  He was happy to take the pictures and I'll forever appreciate his company on our Castle date!!


Kid #4!  Ok, so I don't have 4 kids.  But I do have to give credit to the guy who took us to Disney.  This may shock you but Don isn't the Disney fan that I am.  He really doesn't like crowds or standing in line or public transportation which doesn't help.  I know he'd rather go on a camping/fishing/skiiing/lake/anything else trip so I appreciate him going on this trip with us!  Not only did he pay for it, he had to take off work to go on his not-so-favorite trip.  And did I mention the stomach bug? Yep, he also got to fly on a very queasy stomach.  Maybe a bit of eye-rolling that he didn't think I saw, but there wasn't much outward complaining. 


I'm thankful to have a husband that gets that I'm a super Disney nerd and puts up with me!


The LOWS...

All-in-all, I don't have much to put here.  The crowds last week were much higher than historically encountered this time of year.  So lines were longer and people were just everywhere.  I think in the past, we had been lucky to be at off-peak times and were a bit spoiled.  One thing I learned this trip is that it's ok if we all aren't together all the time.  

A few times Don and one or two of the boys went back to the hotel for down-time.  Although I want to spend every second in the parks, I get that they needed to do that.  I think that made our time together ever better.  

We had sore feet for sure.  The day of the race, I got in more than 50,000 steps!  But if you go in knowing that you'll be walking and prepare for it, it's not such a big deal.  

Also with the crowds so high, it helped that I had planned ahead and made dining reservations and secured FastPasses.  You'll have plenty of Lows if you have to wait in line at each and every turn.  

The sore feet and eye-rolling will not be what I think of when I think back on this trip.  The fun memories and great pictures will be all that I remember - and I will remember it often!!

I'd love to help you plan a trip with a bunch of HIGHS and a few tiny LOWS.  Call me and let's talk about it!!




Hats Galore!

The best vacations are ones that you want to relive over and over in your memories and of course, pictures are a great way to do that.

I've made several photo books and even movies including all of our pictures and videos from our trips.  Don't worry, I won't make you watch them - but you can if you want!  :)

We like to do similar pictures on each trip and it's fun to see what changes and what stays the same.  On Disney trips, we've always had fun trying on silly hats.  And at Disney, there are LOTS of gift shops with LOTS of hats so we've tried on a bunch.  Scroll through these pics to see some of the many hats we've worn:

When you travel to Disney, be sure to take advantage of the Disney professional photographers, but take your own camera also.  Most of my favorite pics are quick shots that just happened to be in the perfect setting, light or circumstance.  

Stay tuned and soon I'll do a blog post on tips and tricks for using Memory Maker (Disney's photo service) and your own camera.  Call me today to book a trip and get started snapping your own pics! 

My Favorite "Disney Magic" Stories

I subscribe to several Disney websites/blogs/newsletters written for and by Disney nerds like myself.  My favorite articles are always the ones in which people tell of their stories of "Disney Magic."  It's a real thing, people!  And it always warms my heart to hear their tales of a bad day made better by a great cast member, a surprise in their hotel room, a free treat or a FastPass given to them that they weren't expecting.

Here are a few of my personal favorite Magical Moments:

We happened to walk by a Character Greeting area for Belle and noticed that she would be there in five minutes and no one was in line yet.  We got in line to wait and right as she was walking up, it started to rain.  She asked Luke if he would mind walking with her to an inside area since she didn't want him to get rained on.  They walked together for several minutes while he chatted with her nonstop.   I have to admit I enjoyed the jealous looks on others' faces as we walked along!

I've mentioned this one before, but it still boggles my mind that we waited less than 30 minutes for Santa at Disney World!  We would've waited an hour minimum at the mall at home.  More Disney Magic as we just happened to get in line the second before they closed it.

More character Magic...  Mary Poppins is one of my favorite characters but I've never seen her in the parks.  On our last day, we had just a few minutes and I insisted we go into Magic Kingdom for the time we had left.  Right as we walked in, I saw Mary with not a single person around her.  I grabbed Luke and headed over to visit with her.  He was wearing his "Happy Birthday, Sharkey" button and Mary noticed it.  When we explained to her that Sharkey is a nickname, she clapped and yelled, "Brilliant!"  Luke (and I!) loved it!

Gaston, of course, is one of the most rude characters in the parks and we were lucky to get to visit with him for a while.  So rude to me, but so nice to Luke.  Luke laughed for ages when Gaston told me to "Smile like you're making me a sandwich."  

Do you have a Disney Magic story?  If so, please comment below and warm my heart with your memories!