Help!! I've lost my child!!

Losing your child in the grocery store or other smallish area is terrifying.  Now imagine losing them at Disney World with a million people and acres of land.  Not a spot you want to be in.  I've got a few tips to help you avoid this disaster and information on what to do if it does occur.

Prepare ahead of time by purchasing ID tags that the kids can wear.  Especially for younger kids (and even older ones when they're stressed about being lost), this is important as they may not know their parents' full names or phone numbers.  I bought some for our boys that attached to their shoes and the info was written in permanent marker.  I put them on before the trip and we didn't have to worry about remembering it each morning or trying to keep them dry.  It worked out perfectly.  And with MagicBands now, I know a lot of people print their cell phone numbers inside of them.

Have your kids wear the same shirts if possible and wear bright or unique colors so they are easily spotted.  We had a minor scare during a parade when I lost sight of Andrew.  As I was frantically calling his name and spinning in circles, another guest pointed at my other two and said, "If he's dressed like those guys, he's behind that mailbox."  Sure enough, he had gotten scared from the noise of the parade and sat down to cover his ears.  I imagine I would have spotted him in another second but seconds are a lifetime when you're missing your child!


Consider the backpack leash.  I know, I know, most people are against them and I've never actually done it myself.  But the people who use them say their kids are happier since they aren't stuck holding a sweaty hand and feel like they have a little more freedom to roam.

When you first arrive at the parks, show them a Cast Member and have them pay attention to the fact that they are wearing a name tag.  If they get lost, they can ask a Cast Member for help.

Take a picture each morning on your phone of your kids before heading out.  That way, if they do get lost, you have a current picture including what they are wearing.  

Have a talk about staying together.  There's so much to see and do that there are times when it's a must to hold hands.  If they know going into the day that they may need to hold hands, you might avoid a meltdown when that time comes.

If you have older kids with phones, talk to them about a meeting spot if you get separated.  Sometimes phone batteries die or you just can't get reception.  Just don't pick Cinderella's Castle as your meeting spot.  Something that large makes it impossible to find someone.  Be specific - meet at the FastPass entrance to Peter Pan's Flight for instance.  Also consider downloading an App such as Find My Friends to keep track of older kids if they are exploring the park alone.

If you do happen to lose a child, don't panic.  Contact the first Cast Member you see.  As per usual Disney standards, they have procedures in place and will help you.  Just remind your child to stay put - no searching for you as you are probably going in circles.  And if they can't locate a Cast Member then have them ask a Mom with a child to help them get to a Cast Member.  

If you have other ideas to keep track of your kids, post them in the comments!!