10 Things I Hate About Disney World

You know I love Disney so this is a hard one for me.  But I've compiled a list of 10 things I hate - some are avoidable and some aren't.  Enjoy... 

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1 - Crowds!!  There are some better times of the year than others but frankly with all that Disney has to offer, crowds are going to be big.  I think the days of finding the Magic Kingdom empty are in the past.  But I can certainly help you avoid the most crowded of days and with prior planning, you can do a lot to alleviate the problems crowds cause.

2 - Long Lines.  The main problem with the crowds is that they tend to all want to do what you want to do so your lines are long.  Again, prior planning helps.  When you book with me 6 months in advance, I can get you almost any dining reservation, so no waiting for your eats!  Also, with Mobile Ordering, you can skip the lines for Quick Service food!!  For attraction FastPasses - if I get them for you 60 days in advance, that gives you at least 3 lines a day you can skip (and more if you're smart and get a new FastPass when yours are used).  In the case where you do have a long line, Disney is wonderful with most lines being in the shade or air conditioning and a lot of them have interactive queues which are so fun!!

3 - Weather Issues (Heat/Humidity/Rain).  Here's one you can't control.  You can be prepared however!  Know that if it's summer, it will be hot and humid and don't let yourself become dehydrated.  Plan for afternoon thunderstorms by carrying cheap ponchos in your bag.  And don't be that amazing Mom that assumes it's Florida so even in January it will be warm and doesn't pack any warm clothes for your kid to run his first half-marathon!  Oops, that might have been me.  Point is - check the weather first and try to be prepared for anything!

4 - Extra Calories.  Even though you can control this, it's too fun to enjoy the amazing food and snacks.  You'll be walking a ton which helps a bit but I always come back with a souvenir of a few extra pounds.  If you know it's probable, you can get your workout program set up before you leave so you don't carry that extra weight for too long!

5 - Being Tired.  This one is like the extra calories and is totally avoidable if you make better choices than I do.  But I want to squeeze every single moment out of my Disney vacation and sleep just doesn't fit my plans.  I wouldn't suggest planning on going to work/school the very next day when you return.  Add a day or two at the end of your trip to get some actual rest!!

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6 - Missing my pets.  I know I have some sort of issue, but I really miss my pets when I'm on vacation.  I recently found an amazing house sitter that will come and keep an eye on the kitties while we're gone, so hopefully you have something good like that!  But if not, guess what?  You can bring your dog with you to Disney!  There are a few resorts on property that will allow you to bring your dog for a small fee.  They can't go into the parks but they are welcome in your hotel room.  The housekeeping staff is notified and they won't go in and accidentally let your furbaby out.  Let me know if this is one you can relate to and I'll get you more info!

7 - Buses/Public Transportation.  Ok, so I don't necessarily hate this.  I LOVE the monorail and the boats.  And you all know my love for the Magical Express (when I'm on my way to Disney - not so much on my way out).  I threw this one in here for Don since he has a sincere hate for Disney buses.  They can be crowded and uncomfortable for sure.  But the convenience of someone taking me where I want to go for FREE without the possibility of me getting lost or having to park a mile away really outweighs the negative in my opinion.

8 - Spending Money.  This one is a touchy subject because I won't lie and say Disney is an inexpensive vacation.  But there are tiers of spending and even Disney on a budget is better than a lot of vacations I've been on.  I will work with any budget - just let me know your needs up front.  

9 - Sad Families.  I hear this one a lot and it is one I really do hate.  The families that people mention seeing that are obviously not feeling like they're in the happiest place on Earth most likely didn't plan ahead.  They thought their kids could walk 10 miles and didn't get a stroller.  They didn't get dining reservations and their favorite restaurant is booked.  They didn't take a poncho and are soaking wet.  So many reasons but most could be avoided.  Read through other posts on my blog for lots of tips to help avoid the Sad Family Syndrome!

10 - LEAVING!  The hands-down absolute worst part of Disney World for me is that I can't just live there.  I swear I can tear up just thinking about walking out of Magic Kingdom on the last night of my trips.  The best cure for this - start planning another trip!  Until I can go again, let me help you.  It eases my pain just a little...  :)