Miller Twins 50th Birthday Extravaganza - by guest blogger Lori (Lisa's Twin)

When Mouse first mentioned going to Disney for our 50th birthday, I agreed, mostly assuming this little adventure would never actually happen. Not because I didn’t want to spend a glorious week with my very best friend in the whole wide world, but because I absolutely could not imagine myself spending a week in a place I never, not once, had a desire to go. I’m also not a traveler - I’ve pretty much perfected my routine and don’t care to vary, not even a little bit. I also don’t care for children - at all. (I figured Disney would be thick with them (and I was right), but aside from being goosed by a small child while waiting in line for Peter Pan, it was mostly hilarious watching them throw MAJOR hissy fits when things weren’t working out for them and watching their exasperated parents).

One of the things Mouse sent me before our trip that I really appreciated was a spreadsheet with our itinerary. I am not a “fly by the seat of my pants” kind of person, so this was much appreciated.

Day 1 - Travel Day + Universal Studios

One thing Mouse and I agree on is FIRST FLIGHT OUT. We do not agree on last flight back, and we can visit that later on in this post – turns out I was right about this one. 😊 Anywho, all went off without a hitch traveling to Orlando. All went great getting to Hard Rock Hotel, except as predicted, we couldn’t check into our room yet. This left me in the hotel lobby digging for my magic wand in my packed suitcase and trying to arrange my backpack “just right” all while Mouse was standing there in a huff and tapping her foot (not really, but she may as well have been) because we were *delayed by 3 minutes and it was a catastrophe*. Oh, and it’s at this time that I realize it’s hotter than hades and I am already dehydrated. All was right with the world about 45 minutes later, though, because I was at Platform 9 ¾ and on my way to HOGWARTS!

We spent day 1 and 2 at Universal. Most of our time was spent at Hogwarts, casting spells and trying like mad to forget we were born Muggles. For those of you who don’t know, Mouse has quite a sweet-tooth. I do not. Seriously, if my mom didn’t swear she had both of us on the same day 6 minutes apart, I really might question this whole twin business because we are so very different. But Mouse had to have the Butterbeer, in fact, she had to be monitored in order to not make herself sick. As you can see by my photo above, Butterbeer sounds much more appealing than it tastes.

Day 3 – Epcot, Boo Bash, Magic Kingdom: I LOVED Epcot. SPACE! NATURE! This place was super, super cool. I should back up and note that we checked out of Hard Rock on this morning and moved over to POP Century for the remainder of the trip. This day is where my feet really started to turn against me and I wondered how sympathetic you know who was going to be. Had motherhood changed her? Had she grown kinder in her advanced age? Spoiler alert: NOPE.

While at Epcot, we changed into our Halloween costumes for the Boo Bash at Magic Kingdom. The Boo Bash was just like regular Magic Kingdom, except that you get free candy, free popcorn, free sodas and free ice cream. By the time we left there, we each had 4 or 5 bottles of diet coke in our backpacks, bags of free candy and had eaten two or three ice cream bars each. Mouse, however, also cashed in on the popcorn – stashing several bags of it in her backpack which I assume she took home to her boys (haha, she did not share). By this time, we had walked around 30,000 steps and I was questioning why I had agreed to the Boo Bash when I knew that my bedtime is 9PM and we wouldn’t be leaving Magic Kingdom until much later. When we arrived back to Pop Century after midnight, we got off the bus and started walking toward our room – which was roughly a mile from the entry – when I saw a poor woman in front of me who I could tell was miserable. I mean, her feet HURT. I could tell with every step that she wanted to cry. About that time, Mouse turned around and looked at me and, apparently, I was walking exactly the same as that poor soul.

We locked eyes and started crying we were laughing so hard.

Day 4 – Magic Kingdom: Good times, but I think this park would have been loads more fun if you had small children with you. OR, if you had seen alllllllllllll of the Disney movies, which I hadn’t. I didn’t have a clue what was happening most of the time and I was on serious overload at this point. We did ride Space Mountain 5 or 6 times, and I will say that Disney indeed puts the “Magic” in Magic Kingdom when it comes to special effects, details, little “extras”. Oh, and fireworks. I was mighty impressed with the fireworks at Magic Kingdom – I cannot imagine the amount of cash they spend each night. (Epcot fireworks are AMAZING, too, by the way).

Day 5 – Hollywood Studios: Holy cow, people. Star Wars. That’s it. I am not a Star Wars nerd – no offense to those of you who are. But this place was magnificent. Magnificent! It’s absolutely incredible. You must see it for yourself especially if you’re a Star Wars nerd. And don’t forget Toy Story! So fun!

Day 6 – Animal Kingdom + Travel Day Home: This place was super cool, too. The Safari was awesome, the Everest roller coaster was fun, Avatar was amazing! We stayed here until about noon when it was time to leave for the airport. Ms. Mouse was a sad little mouse, but it turns out we were going to get a whole extra night to spend together!

There was a tropical storm in the area so our flight was delayed out of Orlando. We arrived in Atlanta waayyyy after our flight to OKC had departed. We hopped a flight in Atlanta to Houston, stayed in a very sketchy hotel near the airport and flew home the next morning.

All in all, I had the BEST time. We have been home for 7 weeks and my blisters healed (3 days ago). Was it worth it? YES. I think the only way I enjoyed Disney is by going with someone who knew what to do and where to go, etc. We were very lucky it wasn’t crowded at all while we were there, but I can’t imagine just heading off to Disney with no direction because there’s just not enough time in the day to see everything and do everything because that would have been a cluster and a half.

Do yourself a favor and talk to Mouse before you take a trip. She can make all the reservations, get you discounts if available, tell you which transportation to take from which hotel to which park (because you do not want to get on the bus to go to Epcot when you can just get on the air tram thingy – trust me on this one), etc etc. AND, it doesn’t cost you a dime.

With any luck, she will be sympathetic to you if you get blisters. Heck, she can probably even recommend which kind of shoes to wear.

What's the deal with the PeopleMover?

The Tomorrowland Transit Authority PeopleMover - aka TTA, aka PeopleMover is one of the most underrated attractions at Disney World. Officially, it’s a 10-minute tour of Tomorrowland aboard a mass transit system of the future.

Unofficially, it’s a wonderful spot to rest your feet, relax and take in the awesomeness of Tomorrowland.

The TTA is an elevated tram that hits top speeds of 7 mph so it’s not a thrill ride at all. It’s an omni-mover that you board from a rotating platform. Once you board and your tram moves out of the loading area, it speeds up to 7, which does sound slow but feels surprisingly quick when it takes off!

Get your camera ready as you’ll enjoy amazing up-close views of the park from a unique vantage point.

Having been closed since before the park shut down last spring, it has finally reopened!! I can’t wait to ride it again - I have some great memories from my TTA travels. Check out all of the photos below and please contact me when you’re ready to take a ride on the Tomorrowland Transit Authority PeopleMover!!!

Should You Still Purchase Memory Maker while Disney World Requires Masks?

When I took the boys to Disney World in August, 2020, we spent the entire trip in our masks. You had to wear them at all times unless in your resort room or actively eating/drinking while stationary (and as of now, it’s still this way).

So when I was thinking about whether or not to buy Memory Maker, I wasn’t sure it would be worth the cost. For those that don’t know, Memory Maker is Disney’s photo package. You pay one price and you get all of the in-ride photos and all of the photos taken by the Photopass photographers. It’s normally a no-brainer as I look at our past trip photos OFTEN and love them.

But I found myself thinking I wouldn’t want to see a bunch of pictures with us masked up. Besides it being a reminder of a difficult time, what would be the point of not seeing our goofy grins? However, my trips to Disney World are one part fun and one part work (yes, I’m aware I have an awesome job!). I use the photos in marketing and research if my memory fails and I decided to go ahead and pay for it.

I’m so glad I made that choice!

Although the masks aren’t always the cutest (Andrew insisted on his boring paper one), I really do think I can see our smiles. And when the boys were sick of me making them stop for pictures and were frowning, you can’t really tell! :)

The in-ride photos are still great - Andrew LOVES the one of Luke looking terrified on Splash Mountain and he pulls it up on his phone once a week to torture Luke. The “magic” shots and videos are so fun, too!

One other reason to get Memory Maker is that you can have pics with you in them. Due to social distancing and not wanting to pass objects back and forth, the photographers will no longer take a picture for you with your camera.

To me the pics are priceless. Take a look at a few (or maybe a lot) from our trip below and maybe that will help you decide! And as always, if you are thinking of heading to Disney, PLEASE give me a shout. My planning services are FREE when you book through me and it never costs a penny more than if you were to do it yourself.

How to Keep Busy at Disney During Shorter Park Hours

As per usual in the world right now, nothing is usual. One thing that is very unusual is that you may find yourself on a Disney World vacation with time on your hands and no park to go to. Parks have limited operating hours currently depending on the day you are there.

If you are a normal, sane person, you may think, “Sweet! Now I can relax a bit on my trip!” We know I am not that normal, sane person, so my mind says, “But I paid all this money and came all this way - entertain me until I drop dead of exhaustion!”

So for those you of that think like me, here are some options to entertain you until you drop…

Early/Late Table Service Dining

I typically don’t suggest a lot of Table Service dining because once again, I’m looking to fit in as much as I can in the way of attractions. But if a park has late opening hours (Epcot usually), use that morning to have a fun breakfast! There are a couple of modified character breakfasts you can do also and more open up as we go, so by the time you read this you may have more options. The good thing about a breakfast before you go to the parks is that you can really fill up and if you time it right, you could even skip lunch which saves more time for those rides!

The same idea can be done with a late dinner. Looking at the calendar today, Animal Kingdom is closing at 5pm. I tend to eat dinner early, but that’s early even for me. So you could easily find a great dinner spot after your day and not have to eat dinner at 10pm. One option is to get an Advanced Dining Reservation for a few minutes before the park closes and have the park to yourself as you walk out. Or you could try a restaurant at one of the resorts you’ve been wanting to visit. Disney Springs has a lot to offer too! And since you’re not in a hurry to make it to your next attraction, you can actually linger over your meal for once at Disney.

Miniature Golf

My boys love mini-golf and I do too. But I never feel like it’s going to be more fun to play mini-golf than the fun I’ll have in the parks so we never do it. But when you don’t have the option of a park, what’s stopping you? We had a great time at Fantasia Gardens on our trip. They are currently closed for the season, but don’t worry… the other course - Winter Summerland - is now open! I’ll do a longer blog post on how Disney does mini-golf (spoiler alert - they get it right) in an upcoming blog post.

Resort Activities and Swimming

Here’s one that most kids love and often miss out on. Pools! The resort pools are awesome - and heated for you colder people (like myself). If you stay deluxe or moderate, you’ll even have a water slide. The pools aren’t open super late (currently closing at 9pm) but if you’re leaving a park at 5, that gives you a lot of time. Most have some sort of bar/restaurant near the pool area so you can really relax. Keep in mind that Disney doesn’t allow park hopping, so you can only use the pool at your resort.

Resorts also have a lot of activities that go unnoticed. There are Movies under the Stars, bike rentals, fishing… Often there will be a scavenger hunt or craft for the kids. Be sure and check with the resort front desk for the schedule of what’s happening while you are there.

Disney Springs

I mentioned Disney Springs in the dining section, but just know there is a lot to do there! Of course, there’s a lot of dining and shopping. But you can also see a movie or go bowling! The NBA Experience isn’t back open yet, but that may be an option soon. Since there is no admission fee or ticket needed to enter Disney Springs, it can get crowded and may close due to capacity. Just have a back up plan in mind if that’s the case while you are there.

Soaking in Your Surroundings

One of my favorite things to do at Magic Kingdom is just to find a bench on Main Street and soak up the atmosphere. If the park is closed, though, you can still do something similar. One evening, we took the Skyliner over to the International Gateway at Epcot but instead of going to the park, we headed over to the boardwalk for pizza and ate by the water. We ended the evening at Beaches and Cream where we made ourselves sick on ice cream. It was the perfect end to our day!

Just remember, it’s fun to be spontaneous and have a few “extra” hours that you don’t normally have on a Disney vacation. I, for one, can’t wait until I can Park Hop and spend every waking hour in a park, but I know that’s not for everyone. But keep in mind that you do need to plan a bit if you want Table Service dining as it’s currently limited and you will need an Advanced Dining Reservation. I can help you with that of course!! Contact me - it won’t cost you a penny!!

My Favorite Disney Bathrooms - Yes, I Do Mean Bathrooms

I am REALLY missing the Disney parks being open. Even though I didn’t have a trip scheduled during the closure, I’ve had to cancel a lot of amazing trips for my clients and it’s so sad. Plus, you know I’m a bit strange and often open the app just to check wait times. Knowing there is NO ONE there is really depressing.

So today I’ll dig a little deeper into the lesser appreciated areas of the parks - the restrooms! Maybe weird, but what else have you got to do today other than read this? Here are the restrooms to be sure to visit on your next trip. Keep in mind, I’m more interested in highly themed and unique spots - I’m sure there are some options that are great because they’re less visited and more private. That’s for a future post…

My very favorite - Rapunzel’s restrooms in the Magic Kingdom. Also known as the Tangled Toilets, these are my favorite due to the amazing theming. The interior of the restrooms is perfect. The men’s room has frying pans and wanted posters:

The women’s room has a beautiful mural:

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The exterior of the restroom is one of my favorite areas in all of Walt Disney World. I LOVE the detail so much!


Next on the list are the restrooms in Star Wars: Galaxy’s Edge. Just like every area of that land, you are completely immersed in the story. These restrooms keep you from feeling like you left Batuu and made a rest stop on Earth. My only complaint is that there isn’t really a good counter top here. When I visited this restroom, I had arrived at the park at 3:30 am (Opening Day!) and had worn my glasses. Once the sun came up, I went in to put in my contacts. Tough to balance my case and eyedrops on the ledge of that sink. But I’ll deal with a little inconvenience for such a cool area.

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A bathroom that kids will especially love is in Toy Story Land. The funny part of this one is that it’s called the Cooties restroom due to a Cooties box and a Cootie built on the roof. Kids won’t have a clue what that game is I imagine, but it’s fun for the adults to remember. The bright colors and attention to detail sets this one apart.

I have to cheat a bit on this last one because it’s not at Disney - it’s over at Universal. It’s a part of the Wizarding World of Harry Potter in Hogsmeade. The “public conveniences” as the restrooms are called there, have a bit of a surprise. Remember Moaning Myrtle? She doesn’t just haunt the restrooms in Hogwarts, she also hangs out in the Hogsmeade restrooms. Of course, as the rest of the Harry Potter areas at Universal, you’ll feel fully immersed in the story, even in the restrooms.


Now that you know the best places to “go”, let’s get your trip scheduled!! Give me a shout - it’s always FREE to book with me!!

FREE Disney Fun - The Animation Experience

Looking for an awesome FREE experience and souvenir for your next Walt Disney World trip? Then you’ve got to check out The Animation Experience at Conservation Station inside Disney’s Animal Kingdom.

You’ll uncover the secret of how Disney animators bring your favorite characters to life - often using real life animals as inspiration! When I was there, we drew Pumba but the live animal on display as we entered was a chicken. Didn’t actually help me draw Pumba but being a former chicken-mom, I did enjoy seeing it! :)

Each 25-minute class will offer something different. The characters being drawn change periodically so you can do this every trip and add to your very own art collection each time!

FastPasses are available for this experience although if it’s not a busy day in the park, you won’t need it. There is a lot of seating for this experience. There are specific “show” times for this though, so make plans as to which one you’ll attend - check the daily times guide. Keep in mind that you’ll need to ride the Wildlife Express Train to Rafiki’s Planet Watch. The train ride itself is around 6 minutes one-way, but you may get there right as the train has departed. Disney suggests being at the train station 40 minutes prior to the experience start time. You can probably make it in less time if you’re lucky with the train. All in all, I would plan on the entire experience to take close to an hour and a half if you consider the ride there, the experience itself and the ride back.

I wanted to keep my drawing as a souvenir and knew that if I lugged it around in my backpack all day, it would get ruined. To avoid this, you can purchase a tube at the shop outside of the building and put your artwork in it. They will then send it to your resort if you are staying on site (as long as it’s not your check out day). Just be sure to pick it up from your resort’s gift shop before you leave! The tube was $5 at that time which I thought wasn’t too terrible for a cool souvenir. Good thing I did this as there were torrential downpours that evening and everything in my bag was soaked!

Take a look at the pics below and be amazed at my talent… (I actually have ZERO artistic talent which just proves how great the instructor was!)

And please contact me if you’re thinking of a Disney (or Universal!) trip! I don’t charge any fees when you book through me!!

Great Activity and Collection to do at Disney!

For the biggest Disney nerds out there, here’s a great collection for you to get collecting!


Shockingly, I haven’t gotten into this myself.  I do have 3 pins that I got from my aunt when Disney gave them out during the inconvenience of construction at Caribbean Beach.  So I’ve got the start of a collection which makes me want to stop typing this blog post right now and get on eBay to look for pins to buy.  Someone stop me!

Collecting and trading pins is something I know I’d love but it can be expensive to get started.  So for now, I’ll just look at my 3 pins and enjoy those.

But for those of you that lack my self-control (translation - I’m cheap), here’s how to get into this fun activity…

First, you’ll want some pins to get started.  You can buy these directly from Disney, eBay, Amazon…  just be aware that unless you are buying from Disney, you could run into fake pins or worn/damaged ones.  Be sure to check the pictures and read reviews of the sellers.  To trade them at Disney with Cast Members, you’ll need to be sure they are the official Disney pins with the Disney copy-write mark on it.

When you’re at Disney, you can trade with both Cast Members and Guests.  Typically, you can tell that someone interested in trading because they’ll be wearing a lanyard with pins attached.  Cast Members will also sometimes have a board displayed at their location with pins attached.  Don’t be shy about asking if someone wants to trade - most are willing!  Rumor is that Cast Members aren’t allowed to say no, but they can only trade up to 2 pins at a time. 

There are a couple of strategies to pin trading - some people are trying to build a collection based on value of the pins.  This takes some time on your part to study the pins (lots of info on the old internet) and know by glancing if you are trading your pin for another one of greater value.  

The other strategy is to ignore the value but just look for pins that are your favorites as far as characters or attractions or movies or whatever.  This would be my strategy which is another reason for me to never get into this as I would totally be losing money with each trade.

This is a really fun activity for kids and can be a great way to get them to learn how to talk to strangers (with your permission of course!) and an intro to negotiating.  

Do you trade pins at Disney?  If so, let me know!  I’d love to get talked into doing this…

Be sure to call me when you’re thinking of planning a trip - my services are FREE!!

The Disney Bubble - a Very Real Phenomenon!

One of the best parts of a Disney vacation is the “Disney Bubble.” Haven’t heard of it? Well, read on!!

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The Disney Bubble is basically a complete immersion in the Magical world that is Disney. When you stay at a Disney resort, you rarely encounter anything “non-Disney.” The music on the buses, the gift shops, the Cast Members… They are all purposely geared towards Disney.

And if you’re a Disney nut like me - you never want to leave it! Here are some tips to help make sure you stay in the Bubble if you’re completely normal like I am and don’t want to leave…

  • When you get to your hotel room, don’t be tempted to turn on the TV to your regular shows. There are several channels that are Disney-related - watch those! For one, you’ll be informed of that day’s Park Hours and Entertainment Times. And there’s a channel to show you some new things in the Parks you may not have found yet! I like to turn it on Disney music and hit the sleep button when I’m back in the room for the night. So fun to fall asleep to the music from the day.

  • Don’t be tempted to go off property. I mean where are you going anyway? Target? As much as I love Target, you’re on vacation. Stay at Disney and get the most out of the money you’ve spent there. I seriously can’t think of anything to pull me away - Disney obviously has you covered for entertainment and the food is outstanding also. OK, so you’re thinking about checking out Universal. I’ll let you do that. You’ll just have to hop back in that Bubble as soon as you get back!

  • Use Disney transportation. From the beginning of your trip, make use of the Magical Express! Once you’re at the resort, you’ll have a bus, boat, monorail, or Skyliner to get you to the Parks. It really is Magical just hopping on one of those and being whisked away. You don’t need to worry about directions or parking or trekking from the parking lot!

  • Scan your MagicBand or use Disney gift cards for purchases. In the end, you’ll be paying the same amount obviously, but there’s something about not handing over your cash or normal credit card. And if you have the Dining Plan, it’s even better since it’s already paid for!

There are plenty of scoffers out there that don’t believe in the Bubble. But in all honesty, I can go an entire vacation without thinking of my normal day-to-day worries. That really only happens to me at Disney.

Let’s get you into your own Bubble! Call me!!