Is it a Cold, the Flu, a Virus?? I Can't be Sick, I'm at Disney World!!

This time of year, it seems like everyone I know has a family member that is sick, was just sick or is coming down with something. And while Disney World is truly Magical, sometimes you can’t Wish away an illness. So what happens if you get sick while at Disney World?

If it’s a true emergency, of course call 911 and alert a Cast Member. We witnessed a man collapse on Main Street once and it was amazing how quickly Cast Members took over in clearing out the area and helping him.

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For minor ailments, look for the First Aid stations. At each one, there is a licensed nurse. They have sample sizes of medication to get you through the day. If you need more than just a sample, they do have full-size items for purchase. Some of the things they treat are:

Fever – The station has thermometer strips available to take temperature. They can get you some fever-reducing medicine and even have beds to lay down on if you need to rest.

Common Cold – First Aid offers samples of cold medicine, cough drops, and packets of tissues.

Headaches – Headache treatments include samples of Tylenol/Ibuprofen, Powerade (to help with dehydration), damp cloths, and best of all, air conditioning. Sometimes the heat is the culprit and just getting a drink and cooling off a bit can work wonders.

Insect Bite / Allergic Reactions – All First Stations are equipped with EpiPens.

Eye Irritation – Stop by First Aid and they can flush your eyes. They even have contact solution if you forgot to pack yours in your handy backpack!

Cuts / Blisters – Band-Aids and bandages are stocked in all stations. 

All First Aid Stations will store refrigerated medication for you. If you plan to spend the day in the park and need to access your refrigerated medication, simply stop by First Aid as you enter the park. This saves a lot of time from having to navigate back to your resort to get to your medication.

If you are a diabetic or have another condition requiring daily injections, these can be administered at any First Aid location. Special containers for disposal of hypodermic needles are provided

First Aid Stations at Walt Disney World can be found in the following general locations: 

  • Magic Kingdom, located between The Crystal Palace and Casey’s Corner.

  • Epcot, located in the Odyssey Center between Future World and the World Showcase (in between Test Track and the Mexico Pavilion.)

  • Hollywood Studios, located in the Guest Relations building on Hollywood Boulevard (front entrance).

  • Animal Kingdom, located at Discovery Island.

Have other concerns about traveling to Disney World? Please call me! I’ve been there - I’ve done it all (mostly). I would love to help you have a stress-free vacation and it doesn’t cost you a penny!!!