I'm Going to Disney... Again?

I'm actually not going anytime soon (but do have trip planned for Marathon weekend in January - more to come on that in the future!).  But anytime I tell someone that I'm going to Disney, they always have the same reaction.  Again??  Yes again!  It's obviously not my home but I really do feel at home while there.  Something I really love is that the cast members at every resort I've ever stayed at on Disney property always say, "Welcome home" to me while checking in or returning after a day at the parks.  Insert warm, fuzzy feeling here!

This is the sign as you enter Magic Kingdom.  And it tells it all - I love visiting my favorite older attractions from years past. And since I'm not able to go as often as I'd like there tends to be something new each time I go.  Just this summer, Disney is opening the new Pandora land and it won't be too long until the new Star Wars and Toy Story lands open. So I'm always excited to experience new things.  The best part of the sign though is the Fantasy.  

I'll never get too old (I hope!) to believe in the Magic of Disney and the feeling that dreams and wishes do come true here.  Even if it's only for a few days, that's an amazing feeling.  Throw in the fact that I don't do dishes or laundry and it truly is a dream come true!!

Disney allows - and encourages - everyone to be a kid again.  I love traveling with my boys to a place where they can act Goofy and it's totally normal!  I wish daily for time to slow down and my kids to stop growing older and I feel like it really does happen when we're at Disney.

Here's proof:

So when people ask why Disney again, I feel like they never quite understand when I say that it feels like home.  I could go into the unbelievable customer service Disney provides, the amazing attractions and shows, the mouth-watering food, the wonderful resorts and pools...  But the main reason I return is a feeling that you won't know about until you've experienced it.  Call me and let me help you get that feeling for yourself!!