Want to Know Where to Get the Best Pics at Disney World?

If you're anything like me, you have what you think of as an excellent memory.  But then you see a picture of something and realize you had forgotten all about that moment.

So to make sure you have a lasting memory of the fun you had on vacation, you'll want to have a lot of pics from your trip.  In this post, I'll let you know about some fun and new Photopass experiences and some pics you don't want to miss.

First, the pics you have to have...

In my book, if you don't get a family photo in front of the Castle and a family photo with Mickey, you've completely failed and will need to redo the whole trip!  It was almost a disaster this time as we weren't able to get the Mickey pic until OUR LAST DAY.  Trust me I was stressed about it.  The problem is that our usual plan of meeting Mickey first thing in the morning never panned out.  Both days that we started at Magic Kingdom didn't work - one was race day so we weren't there at rope drop and the other was the day that it was just Luke and I while the others played golf.  Now that Mickey has some cool technology that allows him to interact with the guests, the line gets crazy long.  So while I normally don't recommend a FastPass for a character meeting, if you're not going first thing, you might think about doing that.  I've heard rumors that they may discontinue the technology and just have standard photo ops which would speed up the line but that's not been verified yet.

Other pics that I love are those that you can only get if you purchase them through PhotoPass.  If you do Memory Maker (read more about that here), you can get all of these pics for one price.  If you don't think you'll want them all, you can purchase them individually from the website.  I love the Magic Shots and the in-ride photos.  Here are some of the new ones they offer since we were last there:

I love that each time we go, there is something new we haven't done or seen.  The Hitchhiking Ghost is one of my favorite pics from this trip!  And the addition of the in-ride photo at Pirates of the Caribbean is fun.  I'll admit that the Lantern pic is one of my most and least favorite pics.  The lighting makes me look 1,000 years old - yes, let's just say it's the lighting.  But you know how I love Tangled so the boys went and rode a couple rides while I waited in line for this.  Beware, the line is long since they only do this shot after dark and it seems to take people FOREVER to get together and smile, but I love it.  To get this pic, just head to the restrooms in Rapunzel's area (I still can't believe all she has are restrooms!!) sometime after dusk.  

Sadly one pic that I had heard rumors of before we went was a Magic Shot one with a Giant Dole Whip!  They are supposedly near Aloha Isle but I was never able to find a photographer there.  If you go, check for yourself and send me your pic if you get one!!

And lastly, don't forget to take lots of pics with your phone or personal camera.  As much as I love the PhotoPass pics, you can get a lot of really memorable ones yourself and they're free!  Also, don't underestimate your kids' photography skills.  Luke and Andrew took a lot of pics for me when I was on a ride or just not with them.  The first one in this group is one that will always remind me that Andrew had a broken finger and his cast REEKED of the nastiest odor ever! 

The next one is a really fun picture that you can ask the balloon vendor to help you with - they won't let go of the balloons, but they will move out of the shot so it looks like you've got the whole bunch.  

The next one is a benefit of early morning dining reservations.  A picture in front of the castle alone!  It's rare to get a pic without a throng of people in your shot.  And the last one is special to me since it's a pic of my race medal.  I love the castle in the background.  You can do this with anything you'd like - a new souvenir, a child's favorite stuffed animal...  I wish I'd had somebody's Flat Stanley with me on this trip!  

As much as I love being at Disney World, I know that memories fade.  These pictures won't and they'll bring me joy forever.  Let me help you plan a memorable trip so that you can get your own awesome pics!!







Disney World MagicBands FAQ

One of the most exciting days before traveling to Disney is the day the MagicBands arrive in the mail!  As soon as I see the box, the trip becomes even more of a reality!  (And just to embarrass my boys, I usually scream and do a Happy Dance).

For those of you that haven’t been to Disney World, or haven’t been in many years, here’s some helpful information about those Magical Bands and how to use them.

What is a MagicBand?

This colorful wristband is actually an all-in-one device that effortlessly connects you to all the vacation choices you made with My Disney Experience.

Your MagicBand enables you to travel lighter throughout your vacation. Use it to enter the parks, unlock your Disney Resort hotel room and buy food and merchandise. Plus, your MagicBand gives you FastPass+ access to all the experiences you’ve selected online.

** Be sure to NOT pack your MagicBands in your checked luggage.  You will use them right off the bat to board Disney’s Magical Express at the airport.  And if you’ve checked in online prior to your trip, you can go straight to your room using your MagicBand to unlock your door.  So put them on when you head out to start your trip!


Your MagicBand also is used by Disney PhotoPass Service. The photographer will scan your band after taking your photos.  You’ll also have your ride photos automatically linked to your account while wearing your band on rides that offer in-ride pics.  If you’ve purchased the Memory Maker, all you have to do is go to your PhotoPass account to see all the memories captured and created for you.

 How do I use my MagicBand?

Most of the time, all you need to do is touch your MagicBand against a sensor called a touch point. It’s that easy!

MagicBands can also be read by long-range readers to deliver amazing personalized experiences, as well as provide information that helps Disney improve their overall experience.

In addition to touching your MagicBand to a touch point, you will be required to enter a PIN code to uniquely identify yourself when making purchases. 

To enter the parks, you will be required to provide biometric identification (fingerprint) or show a photo ID that matches the name identified with your ticket. This process helps to ensure that you, and only you, have access to the entitlements linked to your MagicBand.



MagicBands are always operational. They don’t have an on/off switch. If you lose a MagicBand, you can deactivate it on My Disney Experience, and it will no longer be linked to your tickets and other entitlements.  You can visit Guest Relations for help with a replacement - occasionally they will replace without a charge depending on the circumstances.

MagicBands use Radio Frequency (RF) technology and can be read by short and long-range readers located at the Walt Disney World Resort. If you prefer to use a card—which cannot be detected by long-range readers—you can request a card at your Disney Resort hotel.

In addition, any Guest who wishes to use their MagicBand to purchase an alcoholic beverage at Walt Disney World Resort must also present a valid form of identification.

How can I get a MagicBand?

MagicBands are available at no cost to Guests staying at Disney Resort hotels. Guests staying off-site receive a card with the purchase of park admission. Those guests are welcome to purchase a MagicBand online before their trip or at many locations throughout Disney World.

When is the deadline for customizing my MagicBand?

Customize your MagicBand with your name and favorite color as soon as possible after making your Disney Resort hotel reservation!  I'd be happy to do this for you!

  • If you customize your MagicBand at least 11 days before you arrive at your Disney Resort hotel, it will be shipped to your home.
  • If you customize your MagicBand between 10 days and 6 days before you arrive at your Disney Resort hotel, you will receive it when you arrive at your Disney Resort hotel.
  • If you do not customize your MagicBand until 5 days or less before your arrival, you will receive a non-customized MagicBand when you arrive at your Disney Resort hotel - these are boring grey bands so don’t wait too long!  (Sorry to those of you that love the color grey!)

When you customize your MagicBand, the printed name appears on the inside for your privacy.  I like to have our nicknames printed just for fun.  You can also write your cell phone number in sharpie on these before you go for a small child’s band.  Peace of mind just in case they get lost.

Customization doesn’t stop there. Disney sells a number of special edition MagicBands: everything from Star Wars to Mickey Mouse is available to purchase. Most of these special bands are about $20 and can be purchased from DisneyStore.com in advance of your trip or in theme park stores on-site.

For even more customization, guests can add accessories like character images and jewels called MagicBandits. These decorations pop into the adjustable holes on the MagicBand.

With the introduction of MagicBand 2 in early 2017, the customization options are even more robust. MagicBand 2 has a center disc Disney is calling the “icon” that can be removed with a small screwdriver. Creative Disney types are mixing and matching the icon with different color bands. If you don’t want to wear a band, you can even remove the icon entirely and put it in new accessories Disney is selling called MagicKeepers to turn them into keychains, lanyards, and more.

You’ll see Guests that have gone to extremes while decorating their bands.  I purchased “skins” from sellers on etsy to place on our bands.  Here are a few pics of the packaging and the bands, including the before and after pictures of a couple of our bands.

Make yours stand out and be prepared for Cast Members to admire them!

How do I use my MagicBand or card when I have a FastPass+ arrival time at an attraction or entertainment experience?

When you arrive during your scheduled FastPass+ arrival time, all you need to do is proceed to the FASTPASS queue entrance and touch your MagicBand or card to a sensor called a touch point - so easy!

Please remember that each member of your party will have to individually touch their MagicBand or card to the touch point, so everyone should be sure to have their MagicBand or card available.

How do I make purchases using my MagicBand?

If you’re staying at a Disney Resort hotel, you can charge purchases to your room by touching your MagicBand or card against a sensor called a touch point and entering a PIN code to uniquely identify yourself. You self-select your PIN upon check-in at your Walt Disney World Resort hotel.

Hungry for a snack? Want a souvenir? Use your MagicBand to charge these purchases at a Walt Disney World theme park to your Disney Resort hotel room. Are MagicBands waterproof?

You can select which MagicBands are able to charge - might be a good idea to not give charge privileges to your kids! 

shopping touchpoint.jpg

Are MagicBands waterproof?

Yes. MagicBands are waterproof so you don’t have to worry about protecting them from water exposure when you visit the Disney water parks, enjoy water attractions at the Disney theme parks, swim at the pool at your Disney Resort hotel or get caught outside in the rain.


Have other questions??  Contact me or comment below!!

Bad Behavior 101

There are some things people do that can make for a less than magical time for those around them.  Today's post takes a look at some of those bad behaviors and what we can all do to avoid them.

Pay attention when pushing strollers so that you don't ram them into the backs of others.

Don't take flash photos on dark rides - this ruins the ride for all others.

Throw your trash in the trash cans for crying out loud!  And if you have gum, don't toss it on the ground.

Follow directions!  And for kids that are too young to understand, you have to be paying attention to keep them safe.

Don't ignore and argue about height restrictions for rides.  If your child is too short, they shouldn't ride for safety reasons.

Don't just leave your stroller parked wherever you feel like.  There is designated parking and you'll come back to find yours has been moved if you left it somewhere else.

Don't feed and chase the wildlife!

There are a few places to get alcoholic beverages.  Know your limits and don't become that person that embarrasses yourself (and your family).

Stay off of your phone while on a ride. The light is annoying and distracting if you are trying to enjoy the haunted mansion or any dark ride.

Complaining loudly and rudely to cast members will get you nowhere fast.  If there's truly a problem they can help you with, they will.

Dress appropriately for a family park - no shirt, no shoes, no service!

No smoking in non-smoking areas.


Basically, be kind and considerate of others - always!

An Uncomfortable Subject... How Do I Get Paid?

I know you’re afraid to ask… but how do I get paid doing this fun job?

I often hear that people don’t want to “bug me” so they just muddle through planning a trip themselves.  

But there are two things that should make you want to bug me and have your friends and family bug me too!

1 - I LOVE planning trips to Disney and Universal.  Every time I log in or call about a trip, I head right down memory lane.  Poor Don had to institute the “only once every three years” rule so I wouldn’t plan a trip each and every season.

2 - I actually make money doing this.  I know, it’s crazy that I’m paid to do something I truly love.  I would probably do this for free, but I have three growing boys that are seriously about to eat away every penny we have.

People always get a little uncomfortable discussing money, but let me give you the basics.  You pay Disney the same price whether or not you go online, call it in, or have a travel agent do it for you.  The exact same price.

If a travel agent books the trip, Disney then pays the agency a commission which I receive a portion of.   So even if I did nothing but book the trip, you aren’t paying a dime more than if you did it yourself.

The reason Disney is willing to give a portion of their profits to a travel agent is that they know that the Guest is more likely to enjoy their vacation.  There’s a better chance of Guests returning to Disney again and again if they are given guidance by someone with a knowledge and passion for their product.  Universal uses the same model. 

I’ve talked before about the reasons to use a Disney travel agent - you can look back at this blog post for a refresher - Do You Really Need a Travel Agent to Book a Disney Vacation?

So why would you not want to use a travel agent?  Let me answer some of the most common reasons…

*  I want the cheapest rate and can do that myself.  —  Nope!  You just aren’t going to find it cheaper on your own.  And I will monitor and possibly find a cheaper rate as it gets closer to your trip.  I will apply it automatically and let you know!  And if time is money, I’m saving you tons of it by doing the leg work for you.

*  I love Disney too and want to plan it all myself.  — This one is totally understandable as I feel the same way!  But the cool part is, I can book it and then let you take over the planning if you like.  I will still be there for questions and will still monitor for better deals.

*  How do I know you won’t up-sell me?  —  Trust me, I am the queen of getting a good deal.  I spend way more time then I should figuring out how to save a penny or a bit of time.  I will never lead you towards spending more just to spend more.  I want you to get the absolute most out of your vacation for the least money and hassle.

So PLEASE consider contacting me when you’re thinking about a trip.  And I would be so appreciative if you would forward my information to your family and friends.  Word of mouth is the best advertising I can get!  I’ve got those three boys to feed, you know…  :)

PS - if you refer a friend and they book a trip, your next meal is on me!  I'll contact you to find out your favorite restaurant and send you a $10 gift card to the place you choose!  Easy!!

I'm Going to Disney... Again?

I'm actually not going anytime soon (but do have trip planned for Marathon weekend in January - more to come on that in the future!).  But anytime I tell someone that I'm going to Disney, they always have the same reaction.  Again??  Yes again!  It's obviously not my home but I really do feel at home while there.  Something I really love is that the cast members at every resort I've ever stayed at on Disney property always say, "Welcome home" to me while checking in or returning after a day at the parks.  Insert warm, fuzzy feeling here!

This is the sign as you enter Magic Kingdom.  And it tells it all - I love visiting my favorite older attractions from years past. And since I'm not able to go as often as I'd like there tends to be something new each time I go.  Just this summer, Disney is opening the new Pandora land and it won't be too long until the new Star Wars and Toy Story lands open. So I'm always excited to experience new things.  The best part of the sign though is the Fantasy.  

I'll never get too old (I hope!) to believe in the Magic of Disney and the feeling that dreams and wishes do come true here.  Even if it's only for a few days, that's an amazing feeling.  Throw in the fact that I don't do dishes or laundry and it truly is a dream come true!!

Disney allows - and encourages - everyone to be a kid again.  I love traveling with my boys to a place where they can act Goofy and it's totally normal!  I wish daily for time to slow down and my kids to stop growing older and I feel like it really does happen when we're at Disney.

Here's proof:

So when people ask why Disney again, I feel like they never quite understand when I say that it feels like home.  I could go into the unbelievable customer service Disney provides, the amazing attractions and shows, the mouth-watering food, the wonderful resorts and pools...  But the main reason I return is a feeling that you won't know about until you've experienced it.  Call me and let me help you get that feeling for yourself!!

Why Should You Have Me Book Your Disney Trip?

I've talked about this before but just wanted to remind everyone why it's a good idea to use a travel agent (preferably me!) when booking a Disney trip!

My services are totally free.  You will pay the same amount as you would if you booked on your own.  Often times, you'll pay less using me because I will monitor upcoming specials and apply them to your trip if possible!  Plus, check out some of my other posts - I have lots of ideas that will help you spend less once you are there.

I can work with any client anywhere!  People often think they have to live near me to use my services and that's not the case at all.  Most of my communication is done over email and phone.  I can ship any documents to you (at my cost) that you may require.

I think it's obvious that I love all things Disney!  That love makes it fun for me to learn and research the new options at Disney and investigate any questions you may have.

Take advantage of my referral program!  Simply forward on my name, email, website...  to your friends and family.  I always ask new clients how they heard of me and if they mention your name (and of course, book a trip!), I will contact you to find out your favorite restaurant and send you a $10 gift card to it!