How do Travel Agents Make Money??

It’s been quite some time since I talked about how the travel industry works with travel agents and how we’re paid. It’s not as straight-forward as you might think! So, here’s the lowdown on how I get paid doing this fun job…. 

The only reason I bring this up is that I talk to people often that book on their own because “they didn’t want to bother me.”  That puts both of us at a disadvantage! Booking on your own means you won’t get my expert advice (I also won’t be able to help if issues arrive on a trip that I didn’t book), and I don’t get paid!  

There are two main things that should make you want to bug me and have your friends and family bug me too!

1 - I LOVE planning trips to the destinations that I consider “my favorites”.  Every time I log in or call about a trip, I head right down memory lane.  I only book vacation spots that I love and am excited to work on.

2 - I actually make money doing this.  I know, it’s crazy that I’m paid to do something I truly love.  I would probably do this for free, but I have bills to pay just as you do!

People always get a little uncomfortable discussing money, but let me give you the basics.  You pay Disney/Universal/Sandals… the same price whether or not you go online, call it in, or have a travel agent do it for you.  The exact same price.

If a travel agent books a Disney World trip for example, Disney pays the travel agency a commission and then the agency pays the agent a portion of that commission.   So even if I did nothing but book the trip, you aren’t paying a dime more than if you did it yourself.  But on top of helping you figure out the best plans for your trip, I’m there for questions, checking for potential discounts released after booking and helping with any issues that arise during travel.

The reason Disney is willing to give a portion of their profits to a travel agent is that they know that the Guest is more likely to enjoy their vacation.  There’s a much better chance of Guests returning to Disney again and again if they are given guidance by someone with a knowledge and passion for their product. 

One little interesting nugget is that most vendors do not pay commission until AFTER the trip has ended. Then of course, there’s a bit of lag time as the agency has to get collect payments and then send out the agent portion. So it’s often a couple of months after the trip before I’m paid.

And if the Guest cancels the trip? Most likely, I’m not getting paid at all. I completely understand when circumstances change, but just keep in mind that any travel agent you use is probably doing a fair amount of work for free when it comes right down to it.

So why would you NOT want to use a travel agent?  Let me answer some of the most common reasons…

*  I want the cheapest rate and can do that myself.  —  Nope!  You just aren’t going to find it cheaper on your own.  And I will monitor and possibly find a cheaper rate as it gets closer to your trip.  I will apply it automatically and let you know!  And if time is money, I’m saving you tons of it by doing the leg work for you.

*  I love Disney too and want to plan it all myself.  — This one is totally understandable as I feel the same way!  But the cool part is, I can book it and then let you take over the planning if you like.  I will still be there for questions, will still monitor for better deals and be available if issues arise.

*  How do I know you won’t up-sell me?  —  Trust me, I am the queen of getting a good deal.  I spend way more time then I should figuring out how to save a penny or a bit of time.  I will never lead you towards spending more just to spend more.  I want you to get the absolute most out of your vacation for the least money and hassle.

So PLEASE consider contacting me when you’re thinking about a trip.  And I would be so appreciative if you would forward my information to your family and friends.  Word of mouth is the absolute best advertising I can get! I’ve got those bills to pay, you know!  :)

PS - if you refer a friend and they book a trip, your next meal is on me!  I'll contact you to find out your favorite restaurant and send you a $10 gift card to the place you choose!  Easy!!