How to Save Money and Time at Disney with Grocery Delivery

When we go to Disney, we always order groceries ahead of time and have them waiting for us at our resort.  This is a super simple and convenient way to save money and time at Disney World.  First of all, we can eat breakfast in our room before we head out (except for the day we do Tusker House breakfast which is a must!).  

We also buy snacks and bottled water to take into the parks with us.  Disney will allow food and drink to be brought in and it's way cheaper to take in your own water than it is to buy drinks at the parks.  I have a slight caffeine addiction so I buy flavor drink packets that include caffeine.  My family appreciates that as they don't want to be around me when I get a caffeine headache!!  I also bring non-caffeinated ones for the kids since they haven't become addicted yet.  :)

I also pack a sharpie to bring with us and each morning, I put the boys' initials on a bottle.  That way we're not all sharing germs.  Don't forget your backpack to carry the water and snacks!!

If you're in a villa or Fort Wilderness Cabin, you'll have a full-sized fridge so order all the groceries you'd like!  In standard resort rooms, you'll have a small dorm-sized fridge so think about what you really need to refrigerate.  And I wouldn't do anything that needs to stay frozen as it may or may not have small freezer section in your fridge.  

Each night when we returned from the parks, I would put in the water for the next morning.  Of course, I had a few Diet Cokes in there and some milk for the boys.  So you don't have a ton of room but if you plan ahead a bit, it's great.

Here are the things we ordered for our trip just to give you an idea:

Keep in mind these prices were from last year so probably not still valid.  This is from Garden Grocer - a grocery delivery service that takes the items directly to your hotel at Walt Disney World, leaving them with bell services (which refrigerates perishable items). I highly recommended them and most do as they are the most popular with Walt Disney World guests by far.

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The process is simple:  You go to and click on "Create Your Account" and fill out the form to register your account.  Browse through over 5,000 products and add them to your cart. Shop by brand, category, or use the search toolbar to find the products you want.  Click on the shopping cart at the top of the page to begin the checkout process. Fill out the form with your billing information & let them know what resort you're staying at and what time frame you'd like your groceries to be delivered in.  

So other than the cost of the groceries, are there any delivery fees?  Yes.  Disney charges a flat $5 to recieve the order.  Garden Grocer charges a $14.00 delivery fee but if you spend over $200, the delivery fee is waived.  You need to plan ahead though - if you need same day delivery, the fee is $30 and next day delivery is $20.  Keep in mind that there are limited delivery time slots so if you wait until the last minute to order, there may not be availability for delivery. I tend to order several months in advance - you can add on to your order later if you think of something else you need.   They also usually offer a discount for ordering early - this is the current discount and it was the same when we traveled last year:


Besides the cost savings of eating breakfast in the room, taking your own water and snacks, having groceries delivered saves time too.  We can eat while getting ready or while on our way to the parks so the minute we get there, we're ready to get on our favorite attractions while the lines are still small.  Even getting a quick service breakfast can take what feels like forever when you want to be on Space Mountain!

Same thing goes for standing in line for drinks and snacks.  Don't get me wrong, an apple won't replace Dole Whip but it does limit the lines to stand in.  (FYI, don't forget about Mobile Ordering to also limit those lines).

A couple of other things to consider - beside bringing along your own sharpie, I pack a bunch of ziploc bags.  It's nice to have those when you want to have individual snacks in your bag or you want to save that last bit of candy.  

Please give me a call if you have any questions!  I would love to help you plan and book your Disney or Universal vacation!  And even better - there's NO fees for my services!!


Best Breakfast on the Planet

Ever wondered where you can get the best breakfast on Planet Earth???  Lucky for you, I know!  It's at Tusker House Restaurant in the Animal Kingdom at Disney World.

First of all, unlimited Mickey waffles.  That right there is enough to make this the best place.  But wait, there's more!!  The Jungle Juice is quite literally the best juice I've ever had.  Pretty sure I drank 10 glasses of the stuff last time we were there which is probably 2000 calories.  But don't worry, that's when Ryan and I ran the half marathon so I was short a few calories up to that point!!

Partially delirious from the race, but mostly just excited to see my old pal, Mickey!!

Partially delirious from the race, but mostly just excited to see my old pal, Mickey!!

Besides the delicious food, the breakfast meal is a character meal.  Your table will be visited by Mickey, Daisy, Donald and Goofy (subject to change but we've always seen that same group).  Once there was a PhotoPass photographer out front capturing pics, but haven't seen that in a while.  So be sure to have your camera and autograph books ready as the characters come around to your table.

Also, for the younger crowd, Daisy usually has them join her in a parade around the restaurant.  He's too big now, but Luke used to live for these parades and it was a highlight of the day for him!  Check out the parade in this video...

I'm not a very adventurous eater so mainly stick to the normal American breakfast type foods.  But if you are into trying new things, be sure and check out the African foods also like the Beef Bobotie.  Honestly, I haven't tried it but everyone raves about it!

Have me book your trip for you and I'll hook you up with an early morning reservation.  You might be able to get in before the park opens!  That's great for getting a start on your day, you can get some great pics without a crowd, and you can hop right on the Safari when you're done without needing a FastPass!!  Call me so I can get you there!


Disney World... The SCARIEST Place on Earth??

Although in my mind, Disney World is most certainly NOT a scary place, there are some scary elements to be aware of if you're heading there with small children.  

There are some obvious scary things that parents are prepared for like thrill rides intended for adults.  A few off the top of my head are the Tower of Terror, Mission: SPACE, Rock 'n' Roller Coaster...  

But there are a few rides that you think of as family friendly that just might make smaller ones a bit nervous.  I love the Haunted Mansion, but as a kid that one can be a little spooky.  Check out one of my favorite videos of Luke's reaction when he was 3.


And it's not just my goofy little kids that have been known to be nervous on this ride.  I love this picture while on Haunted Mansion - Ryan looks a little nervous.  But check out the kid in the Doom Buggy next to us.  His Dad just decided it was too much and covered the kid's face.  Hilarious! (Maybe not to the kid).  I would still recommend this ride to families, but just know it's dark and spooky and think about if your child could handle that.


Another potentially scary part of the parks is the noise of the fireworks shows and parades.  Andrew hid from us once (causing ME to be terrified) during a parade because he didn't like the noise.  And he likes looking at fireworks but the noise bothers him.  Wish I'd have thought back then to take ear plugs along to help him enjoy these parts more.  If you have one that is nervous with loud noises, plan ahead and take those ear plugs.

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Dark areas, even those that have no scary elements, can bother a lot of kids.  We let the boys take tiny flashlights with them the first time they went and if they got nervous in a dark part of the park, they could turn them on for a minute to calm their nerves.  I would also recommend taking a nightlight for your hotel room as those are either pitch dark at night or you have to leave the bathroom light on which seems super bright!

Security can also be an issue for some children.  Something about the officers in uniform and everyone crowding around can cause anxiety.  Mention it to your child ahead of time so that they are prepared for it.  And once in a while, there will be a security dog on duty.  If your child is afraid of dogs, letting them know that one may be nearby may help.


Of course, I've seen tons of kids that have a complete meltdown when approached by Characters.  The good news is that most characters now have Meet-and-Greets and are rarely just out wondering in the parks.  But once again, just prepare the child in advance.  The characters are awesome though about realizing that the child doesn't want to be approached and you'll probably not have any problems in this area!

Please give me a call if you're thinking about a Disney trip.  I have a list of rides and how my kids handle them that can certainly help when you're planning.  And remember my services are always FREE to plan and book your trip!!

Rantings of a Frustrated Travel Agent

OK, so I should start by saying it’s not your fault.  You just don’t know how it works! 

In the past few weeks, I’ve had many potential clients contact me for information and pricing on Disney trips and Disney cruises.  But only a couple have actually booked a trip.

I know that there are times when the price isn’t what is expected or dates of availability don’t work out.  But lately, I’ve had a lot of people tell me thanks and then go book it on their own online.


My first instinct is to be frustrated.  Typically I’ve spent a decent amount of time finding out about what they want in a trip and then customizing a quote based on that.  And time spent doing that is something I do enjoy but when it boils down to it, it takes time away from my family.  That’s easier to justify when it becomes a job and I’m paid for it, but when a trip isn’t booked, I don’t get paid.  (Cue the Mom Guilt at that point). 

That’s something I think people just don’t quite understand.  I only get paid when I book a trip.  Now if the trip is not right for you, you decide not to go, circumstances change… I totally get it.  But to go book online with the info I’ve provided stings a bit.  

I truly think people just don’t know how it works though so I try not to take it personally. I do want to educate everyone on a couple of things though.  Click the links below to find out why you need a travel agent and how I actually get paid...

Do you really Need a travel agent to go to Disney?

How Do I get Paid?

Disney is no small business.   But when you book your trip through an authorized Disney travel agent (like myself!) you are supporting a local business.  Doesn’t cost you a penny more and in fact may save you money in the long run.  

The best benefit for you is that you have access to my expertise and one-on-one planning.  I am your direct link to Disney or Universal!  If you book yourself and need to make changes, have a question or just want to get some advice, you can call Disney/Universal.  But you’ll have a different agent every time that doesn’t know you or your situation.  And be prepared for a long wait on the phone. 

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With me, I get to know what you want out of your trip and work to make it the best possible.  If there’s any need to call Disney/Universal, I will do that for you.  And there's a reason I only book Disney/Universal vacations.  I've been there, done that.  I don't book other areas because I'm not an expert!  Not to brag, but I do feel like an expert when it comes to Disney and Universal and I'd love to be your Fairy Godmother.


I really hope I haven’t offended any of you that might be reading this.  If you’ve asked me for information but didn’t book a trip, just know that I totally understand.  And honestly, before I became a travel agent, I most likely did the same thing in asking for info but doing it myself.  

Do me a favor and spread the word on this new knowledge - there’s no reason for you to plan alone when it costs you nothing to have an expert in your corner!!

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