That Time I Went to Disneyland by MYSELF!

So last week, I did something I would've never believed I'd do...  I went to Disneyland alone.  Without my family.  All by Myself!  

Here are some pictures to prove it:

If this post seems familiar, you are likely one of my awesome readers that pays attention to my posts. Yep, I did one just like this a couple of years ago when I went to Disney World by myself! Well, I got another amazing opportunity to do some Disney training and this time, it took place in California at Disneyland. So allow me to just copy and paste a bit here…

You may be wondering how I could be so cruel as to go there without my kids.  I thought the same thing before I went.  But it's not like I just yelled, "See ya suckers!" and took off for my Happy Place.  I went for training and really, truly, had no choice in the matter.  :)

I was offered a chance to go to Disney's Agent Education Program.  Of course since it's a training program for agents, families weren't allowed.  I really did agonize over the decision and went back and forth for a bit, but let me tell you - I'm so glad I went!  

It had been a while (literally 37 years) since I had set foot in Disneyland. I don’t know about you, but my memory isn’t that good so I really don’t remember it.  Besides that, there’s just a few things that have changed at Disneyland since then!!

In the next few weeks, I will post specifics about what I learned, what's new and exciting at Disneyland and even more tips and tricks that I learned from Disney Cast Members and the other agents in attendance.  I also feel the need to talk about the differences of Disneyland vs Disney World so that’s coming up soon. Spoiler alert: I love them both!!

I can honestly say I've NEVER come back from a work conference or training feeling pumped about my job - except for that one time a couple of years ago. :)  A Magical time was had for sure - AGAIN!!!

Bad Behavior 101

There are some things people do that can make for a less than magical time for those around them.  Today's post takes a look at some of those bad behaviors and what we can all do to avoid them.

Pay attention when pushing strollers so that you don't ram them into the backs of others.

Don't take flash photos on dark rides - this ruins the ride for all others.

Throw your trash in the trash cans for crying out loud!  And if you have gum, don't toss it on the ground.

Follow directions!  And for kids that are too young to understand, you have to be paying attention to keep them safe.

Don't ignore and argue about height restrictions for rides.  If your child is too short, they shouldn't ride for safety reasons.

Don't just leave your stroller parked wherever you feel like.  There is designated parking and you'll come back to find yours has been moved if you left it somewhere else.

Don't feed and chase the wildlife!

There are a few places to get alcoholic beverages.  Know your limits and don't become that person that embarrasses yourself (and your family).

Stay off of your phone while on a ride. The light is annoying and distracting if you are trying to enjoy the haunted mansion or any dark ride.

Complaining loudly and rudely to cast members will get you nowhere fast.  If there's truly a problem they can help you with, they will.

Dress appropriately for a family park - no shirt, no shoes, no service!

No smoking in non-smoking areas.


Basically, be kind and considerate of others - always!

Adults Only Trips to Disney

If you read my blog post last week (if you didn't, don't tell me!), then you know that I just returned from a solo Disney World trip.  I came back from that trip with several thoughts for those of you that might be considering a Magical vacation but think you'll go somewhere else because you aren't planning to take any kids with you.

First of all, without kids you are free.  I missed my family the entire time, but I was free to do whatever I wanted whenever I wanted.  One night I didn't even stop for dinner until well past 10:30pm.  If kids were there, we would have had a massive meltdown well before that time.  And my dinner one night was pretty much just what I bought at Goofy's Candy Co.  My kids would have loved it for sure, but I wouldn't have wanted to hang with them after that!

Spontaneity is much easier.  I was headed for the Haunted Mansion when I saw that it had been temporarily closed.  Checking the MyDisneyExperience app, I saw that Buzz Lightyear had a 10 minute wait.  I instantly changed my plans and took off at a very brisk walk for Buzz, enjoyed that and then back to Haunted Mansion.  I wouldn't have asked my kids to walk that much for one ride.  And I would have been frustrated at their lack of speed in doing so if they'd agreed!

I sat and watched every parade and fireworks show without anyone telling me they were bored or wanted to move on.  I visited every Princess and character meet and greet that I wanted without the boys teasing me for wanting to hug Cinderella.

The most hilarious moment was when I witnessed a young boy throw a spectacular fit outside of the Lego store in Disney Springs because he didn't get what he wanted.  By the end of it, his shoes and hat were in 3 different locations spread out among the crowd.  I tell you that kid deserved an Oscar.  I partially felt sorry for the parents and partially laughed my head off that it wasn't my kid.  Luckily they never did that (in public anyway) but it felt pretty good to know that wasn't happening to me.

There are tons and tons of amazing restaurants and bars at Disney that cater to the adult crowd.  I'm not much of a foodie, but if you are, then you're in for a treat at these places.  They will accommodate children of course, but are wonderful for adults.

You're also free to come and go as you please.  I tend to make my family go from open to close at the parks, but if you're looking for a bit more relaxation, you can go at a slower pace.  There are 2 amazing golf courses at Disney World and several spas to indulge in. 

Most resorts have a "quiet pool."  They aren't adults only, but with the appeal of the other resort pool which usually has slides, there are rarely children in the quiet pool.

To be honest, I would prefer taking my kids with me just because I love seeing Disney and all of the Magic through their eyes.  But trust me when I say you can have a perfectly Magical trip as grown ups.

If you're curious about all Disney has to offer for an adults only trip, please give me a call!  I would love to help you plan the perfect getaway!


That Time I Went to Disney World by MYSELF

So last week, I did something I would've never believed I'd do...  I went to Disney World alone.  Without my family.  All by Myself!  

Here are some pictures to prove it:


You may be wondering how I could be so cruel as to go there without my kids.  I thought the same thing before I went.  But it's not like I just yelled, "See ya suckers!" and took off for my Happy Place.  I went for training and really, truly, had no choice in the matter.  :)

I was offered a chance to go to Disney's Agent Education Program.  Of course since it's a training program for agents, families weren't allowed.  I really did agonize over the decision and went back and forth for a bit, but let me tell you - I'm so glad I went!  

Although I already felt like I was an expert at Disney World, there were tons of things I learned to help you make your trip even better.  We toured many of the resorts I hadn't been to and even were lucky enough to take a tour of Disney Cruise Line's Disney Dream.  

In the next few weeks, I will post specifics about what I learned, what's new and exciting at Disney World and even more tips and tricks that I learned from Disney Cast Members and the 40 other agents in attendance.  

I can honestly say I've NEVER come back from a work conference or training feeling pumped about my job - until now.  A Magical time was had for sure!