An Honest Account of the Amazing Highs (and a few lows) From Our Disney Vacation

I tend to only talk about the positive aspects of a Disney Vacation.  I am, after all, hoping you'll book a trip through me and have an amazing time!  But I know that no trip is ever perfect from beginning to end.  You'll hit some bumps along the way - but after reading this, I hope you'll see that the highs completely outweigh the lows.  


This kid.  This kid right here made my whole week with one amazing morning.  We ran the runDisney Half Marathon together.  It could have been a disaster.  He had a broken toe and a hurt arm in the weeks leading up to the race.  With that and his school/sports schedule, he didn't get in many long runs.  

And then the worst happened and 2 days prior to the trip, we all got the nastiest stomach bug I've ever encountered.  I wasn't sure he'd be able to stand up on Saturday, much less run 13.1 miles.  On the monorail to the race, I kept looking at him thinking he looked pale and tired and it was never going to happen.  


We hadn't slept much the night before (you have to be on the monorail by 3:30am) and then we had to walk 1.5 miles to get to the start line.  As if that wasn't enough, we stood in frigid temperatures (34 degrees) with shorts on (I'm Mom of the Year and didn't think we'd need tights) for a couple of hours waiting for the race to start.

Having also not eaten much for days, it's a wonder we made it to the race.  But when we crossed the start line, Ryan ran his heart out.  We only stopped for a restroom break once and we'd walk while we took a sip of water.  Other than that, we ran the entire race.  

I'm still amazed at him.  I KNOW he was tired and hurting but he never complained.  And with a half mile to go, he actually said, "Mom, I'll let you cross the finish line first if you want to beat me."  

I felt like crying - and you know I'd already gotten teary-eyed running through the castle!  I didn't let him let me win - how embarrassing for your 46-year-old mother to beat you.  But it was so sweet that he was willing to do that!  


There may have been a bit of complaining in the next couple of days about sore feet but that was a tiny little low compared to the high of him running his first half marathon with me!!  I'd had dreams of running a race at Disney and thanks to him, I did it. 

Kid #2!!

I always feel a little guilty taking Andrew to amusement parks.  He goes and he says he has a good time, but he just doesn't like to ride most of the rides.  So he stands in line for quite some time with us and then goes out the exit when we get on the rides. 

A lot of people - scratch that - MOST people would complain about the waits or about standing in line for a ride they're not interested in, but he really doesn't.  He willingly holds all of my stuff - my heavy backpack and camera.  And he'll even try to get a pic of us on the ride - like this awesome one here:



He was such a trooper this trip.  I wanted to hit 4 parks in one day and he was up for it.  I wanted to stop a take a picture with Peter Pan.  Fine by him.  I wanted to ride Small World one last time.  No complaints.  So thankful for the good attitude and sweet spirit in this boy!


Kid #3!

When we started planning this trip, I mentioned to the boys how much I'd like to go to eat in the Castle.  With all boys, I'd never considered eating a meal where 5 different princesses come by your table.  Luke went through the "Rapunzel love" phase when he was 2, but he's 10 now.  (Do yourself a favor and look at his Rapunzel phase here!)  I suggested they go play golf and I would just be that weirdo eating by myself in the castle. 

But Luke offered to go with me.  I know he wasn't a huge fan of it.  This pic of him with Cinderella is quite different than his past pics with Rapunzel.


When the princesses came around during breakfast, I told them he was my photographer so he took all of the pics of us.  I think he enjoyed that much more than being fawned on by pretty girls!  Again, there was no complaining!  He was happy to take the pictures and I'll forever appreciate his company on our Castle date!!


Kid #4!  Ok, so I don't have 4 kids.  But I do have to give credit to the guy who took us to Disney.  This may shock you but Don isn't the Disney fan that I am.  He really doesn't like crowds or standing in line or public transportation which doesn't help.  I know he'd rather go on a camping/fishing/skiiing/lake/anything else trip so I appreciate him going on this trip with us!  Not only did he pay for it, he had to take off work to go on his not-so-favorite trip.  And did I mention the stomach bug? Yep, he also got to fly on a very queasy stomach.  Maybe a bit of eye-rolling that he didn't think I saw, but there wasn't much outward complaining. 


I'm thankful to have a husband that gets that I'm a super Disney nerd and puts up with me!


The LOWS...

All-in-all, I don't have much to put here.  The crowds last week were much higher than historically encountered this time of year.  So lines were longer and people were just everywhere.  I think in the past, we had been lucky to be at off-peak times and were a bit spoiled.  One thing I learned this trip is that it's ok if we all aren't together all the time.  

A few times Don and one or two of the boys went back to the hotel for down-time.  Although I want to spend every second in the parks, I get that they needed to do that.  I think that made our time together ever better.  

We had sore feet for sure.  The day of the race, I got in more than 50,000 steps!  But if you go in knowing that you'll be walking and prepare for it, it's not such a big deal.  

Also with the crowds so high, it helped that I had planned ahead and made dining reservations and secured FastPasses.  You'll have plenty of Lows if you have to wait in line at each and every turn.  

The sore feet and eye-rolling will not be what I think of when I think back on this trip.  The fun memories and great pictures will be all that I remember - and I will remember it often!!

I'd love to help you plan a trip with a bunch of HIGHS and a few tiny LOWS.  Call me and let's talk about it!!




What's Your Favorite Disney Movie??

Everyone seems to have a favorite Disney movie.  My favorite will forever be Tangled.  I know, there are other more popular choices.  But as is the case with most of my favorite things, this one's my fav because of the memories I have surrounding the movie.


Tangled came out in 2010 and if you haven’t seen it, what are you waiting for?  It’s one of the most funny Disney animated films and has the best songs.  Yeah, I know Frozen is up there for most people in the song department, but I love every song in Tangled.

Luke was 3 when the movie came out and from the moment he saw it, he was hooked.  His Nana made him a Flynn Rider costume and he wore it ALL OF THE TIME.  He had a Rapunzel doll and we spent a lot of time brushing her hair.  We got a new dog and Tangled was still such a hit, we named the dog Flynn (against the protests of the other two boys, of course).

He was what you might call obsessed. 

We went to Disney World the year after the movie came out and Luke’s main mission for the trip was to get to meet Rapunzel and Flynn.  He’s lucky that he has a Dad willing to make his little dreams come true and Don waited in line for over an hour in the blazing sun at her Meet & Greet while I took the boys to the shade to keep cool.  Totally worth it (at least to Luke and I). He got to meet them both and had a sweet conversation with her.  He was completely in love!

Later that summer, he wanted a Tangled birthday party and of course, I was on board with that. 

Several years later, when we returned to Disney World, he thought he was too old to visit with Rapunzel again.  But being the sweetheart that he is, he took this pic with me outside of her tower. 


I will forever associate Tangled with that sweet little boy and his “smolder.”  If you don’t get the smolder reference, would you PLEASE go watch the movie!!  

What’s your favorite Disney movie?  I’d love to hear about it and why!

And if you have a little one that’s really into Disney now, take a trip to meet their heroes!  Time gets away from you and before you know it, they think they’re too old to take that priceless picture.

Disney World MagicBands FAQ

One of the most exciting days before traveling to Disney is the day the MagicBands arrive in the mail!  As soon as I see the box, the trip becomes even more of a reality!  (And just to embarrass my boys, I usually scream and do a Happy Dance).

For those of you that haven’t been to Disney World, or haven’t been in many years, here’s some helpful information about those Magical Bands and how to use them.

What is a MagicBand?

This colorful wristband is actually an all-in-one device that effortlessly connects you to all the vacation choices you made with My Disney Experience.

Your MagicBand enables you to travel lighter throughout your vacation. Use it to enter the parks, unlock your Disney Resort hotel room and buy food and merchandise. Plus, your MagicBand gives you FastPass+ access to all the experiences you’ve selected online.

** Be sure to NOT pack your MagicBands in your checked luggage.  You will use them right off the bat to board Disney’s Magical Express at the airport.  And if you’ve checked in online prior to your trip, you can go straight to your room using your MagicBand to unlock your door.  So put them on when you head out to start your trip!


Your MagicBand also is used by Disney PhotoPass Service. The photographer will scan your band after taking your photos.  You’ll also have your ride photos automatically linked to your account while wearing your band on rides that offer in-ride pics.  If you’ve purchased the Memory Maker, all you have to do is go to your PhotoPass account to see all the memories captured and created for you.

 How do I use my MagicBand?

Most of the time, all you need to do is touch your MagicBand against a sensor called a touch point. It’s that easy!

MagicBands can also be read by long-range readers to deliver amazing personalized experiences, as well as provide information that helps Disney improve their overall experience.

In addition to touching your MagicBand to a touch point, you will be required to enter a PIN code to uniquely identify yourself when making purchases. 

To enter the parks, you will be required to provide biometric identification (fingerprint) or show a photo ID that matches the name identified with your ticket. This process helps to ensure that you, and only you, have access to the entitlements linked to your MagicBand.



MagicBands are always operational. They don’t have an on/off switch. If you lose a MagicBand, you can deactivate it on My Disney Experience, and it will no longer be linked to your tickets and other entitlements.  You can visit Guest Relations for help with a replacement - occasionally they will replace without a charge depending on the circumstances.

MagicBands use Radio Frequency (RF) technology and can be read by short and long-range readers located at the Walt Disney World Resort. If you prefer to use a card—which cannot be detected by long-range readers—you can request a card at your Disney Resort hotel.

In addition, any Guest who wishes to use their MagicBand to purchase an alcoholic beverage at Walt Disney World Resort must also present a valid form of identification.

How can I get a MagicBand?

MagicBands are available at no cost to Guests staying at Disney Resort hotels. Guests staying off-site receive a card with the purchase of park admission. Those guests are welcome to purchase a MagicBand online before their trip or at many locations throughout Disney World.

When is the deadline for customizing my MagicBand?

Customize your MagicBand with your name and favorite color as soon as possible after making your Disney Resort hotel reservation!  I'd be happy to do this for you!

  • If you customize your MagicBand at least 11 days before you arrive at your Disney Resort hotel, it will be shipped to your home.
  • If you customize your MagicBand between 10 days and 6 days before you arrive at your Disney Resort hotel, you will receive it when you arrive at your Disney Resort hotel.
  • If you do not customize your MagicBand until 5 days or less before your arrival, you will receive a non-customized MagicBand when you arrive at your Disney Resort hotel - these are boring grey bands so don’t wait too long!  (Sorry to those of you that love the color grey!)

When you customize your MagicBand, the printed name appears on the inside for your privacy.  I like to have our nicknames printed just for fun.  You can also write your cell phone number in sharpie on these before you go for a small child’s band.  Peace of mind just in case they get lost.

Customization doesn’t stop there. Disney sells a number of special edition MagicBands: everything from Star Wars to Mickey Mouse is available to purchase. Most of these special bands are about $20 and can be purchased from in advance of your trip or in theme park stores on-site.

For even more customization, guests can add accessories like character images and jewels called MagicBandits. These decorations pop into the adjustable holes on the MagicBand.

With the introduction of MagicBand 2 in early 2017, the customization options are even more robust. MagicBand 2 has a center disc Disney is calling the “icon” that can be removed with a small screwdriver. Creative Disney types are mixing and matching the icon with different color bands. If you don’t want to wear a band, you can even remove the icon entirely and put it in new accessories Disney is selling called MagicKeepers to turn them into keychains, lanyards, and more.

You’ll see Guests that have gone to extremes while decorating their bands.  I purchased “skins” from sellers on etsy to place on our bands.  Here are a few pics of the packaging and the bands, including the before and after pictures of a couple of our bands.

Make yours stand out and be prepared for Cast Members to admire them!

How do I use my MagicBand or card when I have a FastPass+ arrival time at an attraction or entertainment experience?

When you arrive during your scheduled FastPass+ arrival time, all you need to do is proceed to the FASTPASS queue entrance and touch your MagicBand or card to a sensor called a touch point - so easy!

Please remember that each member of your party will have to individually touch their MagicBand or card to the touch point, so everyone should be sure to have their MagicBand or card available.

How do I make purchases using my MagicBand?

If you’re staying at a Disney Resort hotel, you can charge purchases to your room by touching your MagicBand or card against a sensor called a touch point and entering a PIN code to uniquely identify yourself. You self-select your PIN upon check-in at your Walt Disney World Resort hotel.

Hungry for a snack? Want a souvenir? Use your MagicBand to charge these purchases at a Walt Disney World theme park to your Disney Resort hotel room. Are MagicBands waterproof?

You can select which MagicBands are able to charge - might be a good idea to not give charge privileges to your kids! 

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Are MagicBands waterproof?

Yes. MagicBands are waterproof so you don’t have to worry about protecting them from water exposure when you visit the Disney water parks, enjoy water attractions at the Disney theme parks, swim at the pool at your Disney Resort hotel or get caught outside in the rain.


Have other questions??  Contact me or comment below!!

Mobile Ordering at Disney World Parks

I love how Disney World is always improving their product.  As you know, I LOVE Disney World and typically see it in a positive light even when something might not be exactly perfect. 

Others might have an issue at Disney World (or truly, amusement parks in general) with the crowd and the lines that can become long due to the crowd.

Disney has taken steps in the past to help alleviate this problem with the FastPass+ system, Extra Magic Hours for on-site resort guests and Advanced Dining Reservations.  I also love the fact that they have made many of the attraction queues interactive so that even if you missed out on the FastPass, you have something fun to keep you occupied while you wait in the standby line.

Well, their newest innovation to help guests avoid waiting in lines is one I can’t wait to try out - Mobile Ordering for Quick Service food locations.


This new service saves you time by allowing you to order on demand, pay in advance and skip the line. 

I tend to go more for Quick Service locations at Disney since I’d rather spend my time on rides and enjoying the park rather than sitting down at a Table Service location for a longer meal.  But it’s frustrating to do that only to end up standing in a long line at Casey’s Corner for a hot dog.  (Although I do love those dogs and always think it’s worth the wait!)

Now you can order food for your entire family while you are out enjoying other parts of the park.   Rather than standing in line at a counter service restaurant, you’re able to place your order on the go from your phone, bypassing the ordering line and picking up your food directly at the counter when you arrive at the restaurant.

It’s easy to use - just sign in to the My Disney Experience app and tap the “Order Food” button, which lists restaurants that offer the service. Browse restaurant menus, select items, customize your order and prepay, all right through the app. 


When you arrive at the restaurant, just tap “I’m Here, Prepare My Order” in the app, which notifies the kitchen to prepare your meal. When it’s ready, a notification will alert you to pick up your meal from the “Mobile Order Pick Up” area in the restaurant. Here are the restaurants that currently offer Mobile Order with more expected to be added:

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-- Flame Tree Barbecue Discovery Island

-- Harambe Market Africa

-- Restaurantosaurus Dinoland USA

-- Pizzafari Discovery Island

-- Satu'li Canteen in Pandora The World of Avatar


-- ABC Commissary

-- Backlot Express

-- Fairfax Fare

-- PizzeRizzo

-- Rosie's All-American Cafe


-- D-Luxe Burger at Disney Springs


-- Aloha Isle - Adventureland ***They made it EASIER to get DOLE WHIP!!!!  Yes!!!***

-- Casey's Corner - Main Street U.S.A.

-- Columbia Harbour House- Liberty Square

-- Cosmic Ray's - Tomorrowland

-- Lunching Pad - Tomorrowland

-- Pecos Bill Tall Tale Inn and Cafe - Frontierland

-- Pinocchio Village Haus - Fantasyland

-- Tomorrowland Terrace - SEASONAL Tomorrowland


-- Electric Umbrella - Future World

-- Liberty Inn - American Adventure World Showcase

-- Sunshine Seasons - The Land Future World


While Mobile Ordering certainly will not save you 60 minutes (or more) of time like a FastPass for Avatar Flight of Passage or Frozen Ever After, it will save you anywhere from 5 to 15 minutes, and also eliminate the stress of having to deal with potentially crowded ordering bays.

** One thing to remember is that the only form of payment currently accepted through Mobile Order is credit card, but they’re working on adding more payment options soon. Anyone with special dietary restrictions, or those who want to use discounts or redeem dining plan entitlements must place their order with a cashier.

5 Desserts Around the World

The 22nd Annual Epcot International Food & Wine Festival is currently happening at Disney World.  It runs through November 13.  If you're lucky enough to be there during this time, I have 5 delicious desserts to try from the different locations.  

And if you don't have plans to get there this year, let me know so I can help you plan a trip for next year!!  

Here are some mouth-watering options to try:


Lamington yellow cake dipped in chocolate and delicious shredded coconut.

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Pistachio cardamom bundt cake with chocolate coconut mousse.



A festival favorite!  Apple strudel with vanilla sauce.

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New!  Creme brulee with fresh house-made raspberry jam.



Chocolate covered cannoli with sweet ricotta cheese and candied fruit.


Magical Honeymoons

This weekend I had a great time manning a booth at a local bridal show.  My intent was to offer my services to book honeymoons for the visiting brides.

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I know that Disney isn’t the first destination that comes to mind when considering a honeymoon trip, but I was surprised that most of the brides I spoke to hadn’t even considered it.  Reasons varied, but it mainly came down to it being a “kid’s vacation” and cost.

So this post is intended to show you that it can be affordable and it’s certainly an appropriate destination whether you have kids or not.

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First, the cost…  The beauty of a honeymoon trip is that you’re only paying for 2 people!  So instead of paying for a whole family for plane tickets, hotel, park tickets, food and souvenirs, you’re already cutting costs by it just being the 2 of you.  May not seem like a big deal now, but when you’ve got 3 kids like I do, you realize just how much those little rugrats cost!  

Of course, you’ll want to return to Disney when you have kids since the experience is completely different and wonderful with them, but enjoy the cost savings without kids at this point in your life.

So for an example, here are some prices for a Disney World vacation coming up this Spring.  These prices include 5-night accommodations and 4-day Park Hopper Tickets:

All-Star Movies - $1700

Coronado Springs - $2200

Animal Kingdom Lodge - $3000

Compared to a lot of honeymoon destinations, those prices are downright cheap.  

So the other reason people hadn’t considered Disney is due to there being a lot of kids around which may make it a bit less romantic than a trip to an adults only beach resort.  OK, so yes, there will be kids around.  But if you know where to go, you can find your own romantic spots and really not notice the kids.  I can help you find out about those spots!!


There are so many AMAZING restaurants at Disney World, I can’t begin to list them all.  Here are a few of the most romantic though.  

Le Cellier

Jiko - The Cooking Place

Monsieur Paul

Victoria & Albert’s

All of these restaurants are what my kids would call “fancy” and they have no interest in eating there.  Granted you might run into a family that takes their kids there but they would be expected to sit quietly and eat and I doubt you’d even notice them.

These are just a few of the restaurants - there are tons more.  There are also great night-life spots on Disney’s Boardwalk like a dance hall and a dueling piano bar.

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Sure, Disney can be exhausting if you are like me and run from attraction to attraction.  But it doesn’t have to be that way if you’re looking for more ways to relax after a busy season leading up to your wedding.  Check out this previous post about ways to relax at Disney and do some of them.  The resort pool is a great place to relax during the day.  It’s basically kid-free since they’re all at the Parks!

Be sure and announce the fact that you are on a honeymoon - wear cute shirts or hats.  At the very least, you've got to stop by Guest Services for a Just Married button.  You’ll feel like a celebrity with all of the special attention you get from Cast Members!!


I’d love to help you plan your Magical trip - with or without kids.  I promise I’ll make it stress-free and remember, my services are always free!!  Give me a call!