Now More than Ever!

The most common question I receive from people considering a Disney World trip is “when is the best time to go to have the best experience?” 

Although I have written in the past about the best/worst times (take a look here), we’re getting to the point where crowd levels are going to be high no matter the time.  With Star Wars: Galaxy’s Edge opening, crowds will be flocking to the parks in droves. 

Disney is currently running a marketing campaign called “Now More than Ever!”  and I couldn’t agree more.  I wouldn’t normally recommend visiting in the middle of the summer due to the crowds and heat.  But it will be a while until the crowds slow down after Star Wars opens.

So you’ve got until the end of August to get there and enjoy what is turning out to be a slower summer for the parks.  A lot of people are putting off trips until Star Wars opens and that leaves rooms open this summer.  Disney has even put out a rare summer offer to lower the costs of some rooms.  In fact, in looking at a quote for a family of 4 with 2 adults and 2 kids, for 5 nights with a 4 day park hopper ticket in June, you’re looking at less than $3000.  That’s typically one of the higher priced times to travel to Disney so a great deal at the moment. Costs will most likely just keep going up from here with all of the new attractions/resorts/entertainment options heading to the World.

Need more reasons to travel to Walt Disney World Now More than Ever?   Here you go!

Join Mickey & Minnie’s Surprise Celebration at Magic Kingdom Park!

Join Mickey & Minnie’s Surprise Celebration at Magic Kingdom Park!

Party with Pixar Pals to Celebrate 30 Years of Disney’s  Hollywood Studios

Party with Pixar Pals to Celebrate 30 Years of Disney’s 
Hollywood Studios

Celebrate the Circle of Life at Disney’s Animal Kingdom Park

Celebrate the Circle of Life at Disney’s Animal Kingdom Park

Satisfy Your Cravings for Food, Entertainment and Fun at Epcot

Satisfy Your Cravings for Food, Entertainment and Fun at Epcot

Other Can’t-Miss Experiences at Walt Disney World Resort

Other Can’t-Miss Experiences at Walt Disney World Resort

So What's in the Backpack??

If you look at our pics from Disney (there are a few), there’s always a big backpack hanging around. Doesn’t always look great in pictures but we couldn’t travel without it. So what do we carry in it? Glad you asked…

Camera - I took my big camera with the zoom lens but honestly with the advancement in phone cameras, you could probably get away with just your phone!

Phone - Obviously you need your phone! Don’t forget to download the MyDisneyExperience app before you go. Have any questions on how to use the app - ask me!

Battery Charger and Cord - With a full day at the parks using your phone and camera, you will most likely drain your battery. We invested in a battery charger that will charge 3 batteries at once which helps when you have kids with phones. Don’t forget your cord to plug in to your phone!!

Water - You can get free water at Quick Service locations but you’ll have to wait in line to do so. And it’s just a cup with no lid so if you don’t finish it, you can’t really save it for later. Take bottles with lids so that if you need to hop on a ride you can put it in your bag for later.

Flavor Packets - My kids aren’t fond of the taste of Florida water, so I bring flavor packets to help the taste. And you can get them with caffeine which helps a caffeine addict like myself!!

Sunglasses/Glasses - It’s typically sunny in Florida and although most of the rides/lines are indoors or in the shade, you may find yourself out in the sun for more than you expected.

Eye Drops/Contact Case - I wear contacts and nothing is quite as bad as a speck of dirt under your lens. Be prepared with the drops so you’re not miserable!

Wallet - Although you can charge everything to your MagicBand if you’re staying on site, I always like to have a credit card with me just in case. I always want to have my ID on me and a few dollars for emergencies.

Ponchos - Grab a few cheap ones at the dollar store. I usually get enough for us to each have one per day. That way if a rainstorm hits (which is typical in Florida), we can use them and throw them away without worrying about folding up wet ponchos and putting them back in our bag.

Gum - Are my kids the only ones that chew gum nonstop? Disney doesn’t sell gum in an effort to keep their parks clean and the animals safe. PLEASE be kind and discard only in the trashcans if you bring your own!

Ibuprofen - Along with a lot of walking comes sore feet. This is an easy one to bring that will be much cheaper than buying at the parks.

Chapstick - My family has a chapstick addiction. Don’t leave home without it.

Kleenex/Wet Wipes/Hand Sanitizer - You can always run in a restroom if you need to clean up a bit but sometimes you don’t want to walk those extra steps! And we all know Don is a germaphobe so having hand sanitizer is a must for us.

I also carry a few empty ziploc bags - they can be handy for a half-finished snack (which rarely actually happens). Or if you think the rain might return, you can shove those ponchos in there without getting the rest of your bag wet. I also like to have them to put our phones in if it’s particularly wet or we’re going on a wet ride.

A good idea is to put all of this in one bag (unless you plan to split up for a good portion of the day). That way you only have one person in your party go through bag check and everyone else can get on in the park which makes it faster for all. Don’t be a martyr though - take turns carrying the bag. I usually like to carry it since I’m always needing something out of it. And I call it my “workout” since I try not to actually work out on vacation. But if your kids are older, let them help!

Also, a backpack with side pockets for bottles really helps in that you don’t have to constantly take off the bag to root around for drinks. Keep a couple on the outside and you’re always ready.

Want more tips and tricks to help your vacation be as Magical as it can be? Call me! I’d love to plan and book your Disney Destination or Universal Vacation with absolutely NO FEES!!

10 Things I Hate About Disney World

You know I love Disney so this is a hard one for me.  But I've compiled a list of 10 things I hate - some are avoidable and some aren't.  Enjoy... 

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1 - Crowds!!  There are some better times of the year than others but frankly with all that Disney has to offer, crowds are going to be big.  I think the days of finding the Magic Kingdom empty are in the past.  But I can certainly help you avoid the most crowded of days and with prior planning, you can do a lot to alleviate the problems crowds cause.

2 - Long Lines.  The main problem with the crowds is that they tend to all want to do what you want to do so your lines are long.  Again, prior planning helps.  When you book with me 6 months in advance, I can get you almost any dining reservation, so no waiting for your eats!  Also, with Mobile Ordering, you can skip the lines for Quick Service food!!  For attraction FastPasses - if I get them for you 60 days in advance, that gives you at least 3 lines a day you can skip (and more if you're smart and get a new FastPass when yours are used).  In the case where you do have a long line, Disney is wonderful with most lines being in the shade or air conditioning and a lot of them have interactive queues which are so fun!!

3 - Weather Issues (Heat/Humidity/Rain).  Here's one you can't control.  You can be prepared however!  Know that if it's summer, it will be hot and humid and don't let yourself become dehydrated.  Plan for afternoon thunderstorms by carrying cheap ponchos in your bag.  And don't be that amazing Mom that assumes it's Florida so even in January it will be warm and doesn't pack any warm clothes for your kid to run his first half-marathon!  Oops, that might have been me.  Point is - check the weather first and try to be prepared for anything!

4 - Extra Calories.  Even though you can control this, it's too fun to enjoy the amazing food and snacks.  You'll be walking a ton which helps a bit but I always come back with a souvenir of a few extra pounds.  If you know it's probable, you can get your workout program set up before you leave so you don't carry that extra weight for too long!

5 - Being Tired.  This one is like the extra calories and is totally avoidable if you make better choices than I do.  But I want to squeeze every single moment out of my Disney vacation and sleep just doesn't fit my plans.  I wouldn't suggest planning on going to work/school the very next day when you return.  Add a day or two at the end of your trip to get some actual rest!!

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6 - Missing my pets.  I know I have some sort of issue, but I really miss my pets when I'm on vacation.  I recently found an amazing house sitter that will come and keep an eye on the kitties while we're gone, so hopefully you have something good like that!  But if not, guess what?  You can bring your dog with you to Disney!  There are a few resorts on property that will allow you to bring your dog for a small fee.  They can't go into the parks but they are welcome in your hotel room.  The housekeeping staff is notified and they won't go in and accidentally let your furbaby out.  Let me know if this is one you can relate to and I'll get you more info!

7 - Buses/Public Transportation.  Ok, so I don't necessarily hate this.  I LOVE the monorail and the boats.  And you all know my love for the Magical Express (when I'm on my way to Disney - not so much on my way out).  I threw this one in here for Don since he has a sincere hate for Disney buses.  They can be crowded and uncomfortable for sure.  But the convenience of someone taking me where I want to go for FREE without the possibility of me getting lost or having to park a mile away really outweighs the negative in my opinion.

8 - Spending Money.  This one is a touchy subject because I won't lie and say Disney is an inexpensive vacation.  But there are tiers of spending and even Disney on a budget is better than a lot of vacations I've been on.  I will work with any budget - just let me know your needs up front.  

9 - Sad Families.  I hear this one a lot and it is one I really do hate.  The families that people mention seeing that are obviously not feeling like they're in the happiest place on Earth most likely didn't plan ahead.  They thought their kids could walk 10 miles and didn't get a stroller.  They didn't get dining reservations and their favorite restaurant is booked.  They didn't take a poncho and are soaking wet.  So many reasons but most could be avoided.  Read through other posts on my blog for lots of tips to help avoid the Sad Family Syndrome!

10 - LEAVING!  The hands-down absolute worst part of Disney World for me is that I can't just live there.  I swear I can tear up just thinking about walking out of Magic Kingdom on the last night of my trips.  The best cure for this - start planning another trip!  Until I can go again, let me help you.  It eases my pain just a little...  :)

Disney World - What Will it Cost??

Want to know how much moolah it will take to get you to Disney World?  Well, read on!

It's been over a year since I gave an example price of a family trip to Disney World.  Prices change all of the time, so I thought I'd update you on the most recent costs today!  

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The main reason that people tell me they aren't traveling to Disney World is the cost.  While I admit it can be pricey, you can make a couple of choices that will lower the cost.

It sounds great to stay in a Moderate or Deluxe resort (and I highly recommend you do if you're able!).  But if cost is stopping you, consider a Value resort.  They are still on Disney property so you don't lose any of the perks of staying on-site.  Disney customer service is the highest standard no matter which resort you choose.  Cleanliness and safety are top-notch across the board.

Here is an example of affordability...  I pulled up a quote for the following:

  •  A family of four - 2 adults and 2 kids, ages 4 and 6
  • February 24 - March 1 (5 nights lodging)
  • All-Star Music
  • 4-day base Theme Park Ticket
  • Complimentary Magical Express
  • MagicBands
  • My support and knowledge to enhance your experience

The cost of this family's trip would be $2325 at today's prices for everything listed above.  My family has taken a quick trip to Dallas or Kansas City that has set us back nearly that amount.  

I can't guarantee at the time that you wish to travel that there will be a special, but this price is not based on any of the current Disney specials.  It's the current standard rate for a vacation at the end of February 2019.  You might get lucky and travel during a time of a special rate - always check my Specials page for current dates.

You can always upgrade to a Moderate or Deluxe resort, and depending on the special available, it may not be much more.  You can also spend a little more if you want a Park Hopper ticket, but if you don't plan to do more than one park per day, then the base ticket is a great deal.

If you drive, be aware that Disney is now charging a parking fee at the resorts.  If you fly, then of course, you'll also be paying for flights.  We usually fly on Southwest with points so if you plan far enough ahead, you can do the same!  

You will also need to plan food, photos, stroller rental and souvenir costs. I have lots of tips to help keep these prices down so be sure to ask!!

Planning ahead has tons of perks - dining reservations and FastPasses are available.  You'll also be able to save up and possibly pay for the entire trip before traveling.  Nothing is better than a vacation where you know it's already paid off and you can just enjoy yourself!

Give me a call or shoot me an email.  I'd love to check prices for your situation!!  Remember - I don't charge anything extra for helping you.  As long as I book your vacation, Disney pays me and it costs you the exact same thing if you booked it yourself.

I Hate to Brag But...

Talking up my skills is something I find difficult in the marketing of my business.  I always feel like I'm bragging or pretending like I know everything when we all know that NOBODY knows EVERYTHING!  

But today I just want to remind you why you should give me a call when you're planning a trip to Disney or Universal.  Or if you're even remotely considering a trip - I'd love to try to talk you into it!  :)


First and most important - I LOVE what I do.  I love everything about Disney and Universal travel.  I love the research, I love the planning, I love the parks!  So when I say I want to help you, I truly mean it.  Yes, it's a job and if you book through me, I'll get paid which is an amazing perk - but I honestly love doing it.  

Even if you are an expert on these types of vacations, you would be helping to support my small business!  Giving me the chance to help you doesn't mean that I just take over and you are out of the loop.  Some of my favorite clients are experts themselves and just use me to verify their plans or answer a question about something they may have forgotten or aren't familiar with. Plus, I'm the one point of contact rather than having to call Disney or Universal and talk to a different agent every single time.  And don't forget about the long wait times to call in sometimes - I'll help as quickly as I can every time and you don't have to tell your whole vacation story when you call in.

What are the other benefits of using a certified travel agent like myself?  

  • I work for FREE!!  Ok, so not really.  Disney and Universal both pay me a commission.  But that commission is NOT added on top of your vacation cost.  You will pay the EXACT same thing to Disney or Universal regardless of if you book through me or do it yourself.  
  • I research the best dates for the best value/best crowd level/best weather for your time frame.
  • I monitor the specials that Disney releases.  Doesn't happen often, but if a special comes out after you've booked that can be applied to your trip, I will do that for you!
  • I will get up before sunrise on the day of your FastPass and Advanced Dining Reservation windows.  I will talk with you before that day to find out what you'd prefer so that you get as close to what you want as possible!
  • I am available anytime to chat about your trip.  It's really hard to say "here's what to do on your trip" as all families are different.  I love getting to know my clients and helping them decide on a plan.
  • I am also available at any time for questions - and if I don't know the answer (it happens!), I have a direct line to Disney and Universal.  I also have relationships with a large number of other travel agents that may have ideas to help us in an unusual situation.  
  • Have a problem on your trip?  Call me!  It's a nice feeling knowing you aren't in it alone if a problem arises.

Again, I don't want to brag but I do have these awesome pins that speak for themselves when they say I'm a graduate of the Disney College of Knowledge!

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Please give me a call and let's talk about your vacation needs.  And I'd appreciate it immensley if you would give my information to anyone you know considering a trip.  THANK YOU!!


How to Save Money and Time at Disney with Grocery Delivery

When we go to Disney, we always order groceries ahead of time and have them waiting for us at our resort.  This is a super simple and convenient way to save money and time at Disney World.  First of all, we can eat breakfast in our room before we head out (except for the day we do Tusker House breakfast which is a must!).  

We also buy snacks and bottled water to take into the parks with us.  Disney will allow food and drink to be brought in and it's way cheaper to take in your own water than it is to buy drinks at the parks.  I have a slight caffeine addiction so I buy flavor drink packets that include caffeine.  My family appreciates that as they don't want to be around me when I get a caffeine headache!!  I also bring non-caffeinated ones for the kids since they haven't become addicted yet.  :)

I also pack a sharpie to bring with us and each morning, I put the boys' initials on a bottle.  That way we're not all sharing germs.  Don't forget your backpack to carry the water and snacks!!

If you're in a villa or Fort Wilderness Cabin, you'll have a full-sized fridge so order all the groceries you'd like!  In standard resort rooms, you'll have a small dorm-sized fridge so think about what you really need to refrigerate.  And I wouldn't do anything that needs to stay frozen as it may or may not have small freezer section in your fridge.  

Each night when we returned from the parks, I would put in the water for the next morning.  Of course, I had a few Diet Cokes in there and some milk for the boys.  So you don't have a ton of room but if you plan ahead a bit, it's great.

Here are the things we ordered for our trip just to give you an idea:

Keep in mind these prices were from last year so probably not still valid.  This is from Garden Grocer - a grocery delivery service that takes the items directly to your hotel at Walt Disney World, leaving them with bell services (which refrigerates perishable items). I highly recommended them and most do as they are the most popular with Walt Disney World guests by far.

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The process is simple:  You go to and click on "Create Your Account" and fill out the form to register your account.  Browse through over 5,000 products and add them to your cart. Shop by brand, category, or use the search toolbar to find the products you want.  Click on the shopping cart at the top of the page to begin the checkout process. Fill out the form with your billing information & let them know what resort you're staying at and what time frame you'd like your groceries to be delivered in.  

So other than the cost of the groceries, are there any delivery fees?  Yes.  Disney charges a flat $5 to recieve the order.  Garden Grocer charges a $14.00 delivery fee but if you spend over $200, the delivery fee is waived.  You need to plan ahead though - if you need same day delivery, the fee is $30 and next day delivery is $20.  Keep in mind that there are limited delivery time slots so if you wait until the last minute to order, there may not be availability for delivery. I tend to order several months in advance - you can add on to your order later if you think of something else you need.   They also usually offer a discount for ordering early - this is the current discount and it was the same when we traveled last year:


Besides the cost savings of eating breakfast in the room, taking your own water and snacks, having groceries delivered saves time too.  We can eat while getting ready or while on our way to the parks so the minute we get there, we're ready to get on our favorite attractions while the lines are still small.  Even getting a quick service breakfast can take what feels like forever when you want to be on Space Mountain!

Same thing goes for standing in line for drinks and snacks.  Don't get me wrong, an apple won't replace Dole Whip but it does limit the lines to stand in.  (FYI, don't forget about Mobile Ordering to also limit those lines).

A couple of other things to consider - beside bringing along your own sharpie, I pack a bunch of ziploc bags.  It's nice to have those when you want to have individual snacks in your bag or you want to save that last bit of candy.  

Please give me a call if you have any questions!  I would love to help you plan and book your Disney or Universal vacation!  And even better - there's NO fees for my services!!