I Hate to Brag But...

Talking up my skills is something I find difficult in the marketing of my business.  I always feel like I'm bragging or pretending like I know everything when we all know that NOBODY knows EVERYTHING!  

But today I just want to remind you why you should give me a call when you're planning a trip to Disney or Universal.  Or if you're even remotely considering a trip - I'd love to try to talk you into it!  :)


First and most important - I LOVE what I do.  I love everything about Disney and Universal travel.  I love the research, I love the planning, I love the parks!  So when I say I want to help you, I truly mean it.  Yes, it's a job and if you book through me, I'll get paid which is an amazing perk - but I honestly love doing it.  

Even if you are an expert on these types of vacations, you would be helping to support my small business!  Giving me the chance to help you doesn't mean that I just take over and you are out of the loop.  Some of my favorite clients are experts themselves and just use me to verify their plans or answer a question about something they may have forgotten or aren't familiar with. Plus, I'm the one point of contact rather than having to call Disney or Universal and talk to a different agent every single time.  And don't forget about the long wait times to call in sometimes - I'll help as quickly as I can every time and you don't have to tell your whole vacation story when you call in.

What are the other benefits of using a certified travel agent like myself?  

  • I work for FREE!!  Ok, so not really.  Disney and Universal both pay me a commission.  But that commission is NOT added on top of your vacation cost.  You will pay the EXACT same thing to Disney or Universal regardless of if you book through me or do it yourself.  
  • I research the best dates for the best value/best crowd level/best weather for your time frame.
  • I monitor the specials that Disney releases.  Doesn't happen often, but if a special comes out after you've booked that can be applied to your trip, I will do that for you!
  • I will get up before sunrise on the day of your FastPass and Advanced Dining Reservation windows.  I will talk with you before that day to find out what you'd prefer so that you get as close to what you want as possible!
  • I am available anytime to chat about your trip.  It's really hard to say "here's what to do on your trip" as all families are different.  I love getting to know my clients and helping them decide on a plan.
  • I am also available at any time for questions - and if I don't know the answer (it happens!), I have a direct line to Disney and Universal.  I also have relationships with a large number of other travel agents that may have ideas to help us in an unusual situation.  
  • Have a problem on your trip?  Call me!  It's a nice feeling knowing you aren't in it alone if a problem arises.

Again, I don't want to brag but I do have these awesome pins that speak for themselves when they say I'm a graduate of the Disney College of Knowledge!

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Please give me a call and let's talk about your vacation needs.  And I'd appreciate it immensley if you would give my information to anyone you know considering a trip.  THANK YOU!!


Rantings of a Frustrated Travel Agent

OK, so I should start by saying it’s not your fault.  You just don’t know how it works! 

In the past few weeks, I’ve had many potential clients contact me for information and pricing on Disney trips and Disney cruises.  But only a couple have actually booked a trip.

I know that there are times when the price isn’t what is expected or dates of availability don’t work out.  But lately, I’ve had a lot of people tell me thanks and then go book it on their own online.


My first instinct is to be frustrated.  Typically I’ve spent a decent amount of time finding out about what they want in a trip and then customizing a quote based on that.  And time spent doing that is something I do enjoy but when it boils down to it, it takes time away from my family.  That’s easier to justify when it becomes a job and I’m paid for it, but when a trip isn’t booked, I don’t get paid.  (Cue the Mom Guilt at that point). 

That’s something I think people just don’t quite understand.  I only get paid when I book a trip.  Now if the trip is not right for you, you decide not to go, circumstances change… I totally get it.  But to go book online with the info I’ve provided stings a bit.  

I truly think people just don’t know how it works though so I try not to take it personally. I do want to educate everyone on a couple of things though.  Click the links below to find out why you need a travel agent and how I actually get paid...

Do you really Need a travel agent to go to Disney?

How Do I get Paid?

Disney is no small business.   But when you book your trip through an authorized Disney travel agent (like myself!) you are supporting a local business.  Doesn’t cost you a penny more and in fact may save you money in the long run.  

The best benefit for you is that you have access to my expertise and one-on-one planning.  I am your direct link to Disney or Universal!  If you book yourself and need to make changes, have a question or just want to get some advice, you can call Disney/Universal.  But you’ll have a different agent every time that doesn’t know you or your situation.  And be prepared for a long wait on the phone. 

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With me, I get to know what you want out of your trip and work to make it the best possible.  If there’s any need to call Disney/Universal, I will do that for you.  And there's a reason I only book Disney/Universal vacations.  I've been there, done that.  I don't book other areas because I'm not an expert!  Not to brag, but I do feel like an expert when it comes to Disney and Universal and I'd love to be your Fairy Godmother.


I really hope I haven’t offended any of you that might be reading this.  If you’ve asked me for information but didn’t book a trip, just know that I totally understand.  And honestly, before I became a travel agent, I most likely did the same thing in asking for info but doing it myself.  

Do me a favor and spread the word on this new knowledge - there’s no reason for you to plan alone when it costs you nothing to have an expert in your corner!!

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This is US


As much as I like the TV show This is Us, this blog post is about a different US - Universal Studios!  Sorry to disappoint those of you that were expecting info about the show!  :)



I've done a blog post previously that is mainly about The Wizarding World of Harry Potter - check it out here.  

This post is about some of the other rides and attractions that Universal has to offer.  My main reason for going will always be to hang out with Harry, but they've got a lot of other fun spots too.


First of all, something that seems to confuse a few people - Universal is not a part of Disney.  They are two completely different companies.  I think the confusion comes from the fact that Disney has a movie studios type park in Hollywood Studios.  But Universal is not on Disney property - it's about 10 miles away.  

There are 3 parks now at Universal Studios - Universal Studios Florida, Universal's Islands of  Adventure and Universal's Volcano Bay (which is a water park).  Both Universal Studios  and Islands of Adventure house Harry Potter areas - with delicious butterbeer at each!  Universal Studios is home to Diagon Alley while Islands of Adventure is home to Hogwarts and Hogsmeade.  To ride the Hogwarts Express between the two parks, you must have a park-to-park pass.

Universal Studios Florida


This is the newest part of The Wizarding World - Diagon Alley.  It has the most incredible ride around - Harry Potter and the Escape from Gringotts.  The ride is a huge thrill mixture of roller coaster and virtual screens.  So. Much. Fun.  And the line to the ride is really cool as you make your way through the bank lobby into the vaults.

Here are a few other rides at this park that I highly recommend:

  • Revenge of the Mummy - really good and thrilling with a great surprise near the end.
  • E.T. Adventure - I LOVE this ride.  It is a super calm and pretty ride about the movie.  I love that you ride on your bike through the ride.
  • Transformers: The Ride
  • The Simpsons Ride - made all of us nauseous but I know a lot of people love it!
  • Race Through New York Starring Jimmy Fallon - new!
  • Rip Ride Rockit - only Don was brave enough to ride this one.
  • Terminator 2
  • Men in Black - fun and you can compete against your family!
  • Shrek 4D - really cute and funny movie with 4-D effects.
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There are also a lot of great places to eat - the food at the Leaky Cauldron is delicious.  But save room for dessert - there's butterbeer ice cream or a giant donut in the Simpson's area at Lard Lad Donuts!

You're probably thinking this donut could feed more than 1 person.  Hmm...  Mine didn't.  :)

Universal's Islands of Adventure

Islands of Adventure has the original Wizarding World - you can visit Hogwarts and Hogsmeade.  Be sure to ride Harry Potter and the Forbidden Journey - the line takes you through Hogwarts.  Once you've explored all of this world (and had plenty of butterbeer), head on out to check out the rest of the park.

Here are the rides at Islands of Adventure you need to be sure and check out:

  • Doctor Doom's Fearfall
  • The Incredible Hulk Coaster
  • The Amazing Adventures of Spider-Man
  • Skull Island:Reign of Kong
  • Jurassic Park River Adventure
  • Dudley Do-Right's Ripsaw Falls
  • Popeye & Bluto's Bilge-Rat Barges

We've been to Islands of Adventure a couple of times but our kids were too young to like the thrill rides.  Plus this park has a lot of rides that are basically water rides and we're weird about not liking those.  So while the Harry Potter area is AWESOME, if I had only one day, I'd spend the majority of it at Universal Studios Florida.

But if you're wise and have listened to me, you'll have a park-to-park pass so that you can ride the Hogwarts Express.  If you hurry, you can hit a few rides here when you're done with the other park.

Speaking of ways to save time...  Universal offers a little different take on the line skipping pass.  Unlike Disney's FastPass, it is an extra charge.  But you get to skip the line once on all the rides - where Disney just gives you 3 to start.  If you're staying on-site at Universal, some of the resorts include an Unlimited Express Pass which is good on the rides as many times as you want to use them.  Well worth the money if it's a crowded day - and if you're staying on-site it just might be included!

Volcano Bay

You've heard me say before that my family really doesn't do water parks.  So while I don't have personal knowledge of Volcano Bay, I have done training on it from Universal Studios.  It's an amazing park and if you're into water parks at all, it's a must-do!

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Be sure to give me a call if you're interested in a Universal vacation.  I'd love to plan and book your trip and make sure you're getting the best value for your money!!