An Uncomfortable Subject... How Do I Get Paid?

I know you’re afraid to ask… but how do I get paid doing this fun job?

I often hear that people don’t want to “bug me” so they just muddle through planning a trip themselves.  

But there are two things that should make you want to bug me and have your friends and family bug me too!

1 - I LOVE planning trips to Disney and Universal.  Every time I log in or call about a trip, I head right down memory lane.  Poor Don had to institute the “only once every three years” rule so I wouldn’t plan a trip each and every season.

2 - I actually make money doing this.  I know, it’s crazy that I’m paid to do something I truly love.  I would probably do this for free, but I have three growing boys that are seriously about to eat away every penny we have.

People always get a little uncomfortable discussing money, but let me give you the basics.  You pay Disney the same price whether or not you go online, call it in, or have a travel agent do it for you.  The exact same price.

If a travel agent books the trip, Disney then pays the agency a commission which I receive a portion of.   So even if I did nothing but book the trip, you aren’t paying a dime more than if you did it yourself.

The reason Disney is willing to give a portion of their profits to a travel agent is that they know that the Guest is more likely to enjoy their vacation.  There’s a better chance of Guests returning to Disney again and again if they are given guidance by someone with a knowledge and passion for their product.  Universal uses the same model. 

I’ve talked before about the reasons to use a Disney travel agent - you can look back at this blog post for a refresher - Do You Really Need a Travel Agent to Book a Disney Vacation?

So why would you not want to use a travel agent?  Let me answer some of the most common reasons…

*  I want the cheapest rate and can do that myself.  —  Nope!  You just aren’t going to find it cheaper on your own.  And I will monitor and possibly find a cheaper rate as it gets closer to your trip.  I will apply it automatically and let you know!  And if time is money, I’m saving you tons of it by doing the leg work for you.

*  I love Disney too and want to plan it all myself.  — This one is totally understandable as I feel the same way!  But the cool part is, I can book it and then let you take over the planning if you like.  I will still be there for questions and will still monitor for better deals.

*  How do I know you won’t up-sell me?  —  Trust me, I am the queen of getting a good deal.  I spend way more time then I should figuring out how to save a penny or a bit of time.  I will never lead you towards spending more just to spend more.  I want you to get the absolute most out of your vacation for the least money and hassle.

So PLEASE consider contacting me when you’re thinking about a trip.  And I would be so appreciative if you would forward my information to your family and friends.  Word of mouth is the best advertising I can get!  I’ve got those three boys to feed, you know…  :)

PS - if you refer a friend and they book a trip, your next meal is on me!  I'll contact you to find out your favorite restaurant and send you a $10 gift card to the place you choose!  Easy!!

I'm Going to Disney... Again?

I'm actually not going anytime soon (but do have trip planned for Marathon weekend in January - more to come on that in the future!).  But anytime I tell someone that I'm going to Disney, they always have the same reaction.  Again??  Yes again!  It's obviously not my home but I really do feel at home while there.  Something I really love is that the cast members at every resort I've ever stayed at on Disney property always say, "Welcome home" to me while checking in or returning after a day at the parks.  Insert warm, fuzzy feeling here!

This is the sign as you enter Magic Kingdom.  And it tells it all - I love visiting my favorite older attractions from years past. And since I'm not able to go as often as I'd like there tends to be something new each time I go.  Just this summer, Disney is opening the new Pandora land and it won't be too long until the new Star Wars and Toy Story lands open. So I'm always excited to experience new things.  The best part of the sign though is the Fantasy.  

I'll never get too old (I hope!) to believe in the Magic of Disney and the feeling that dreams and wishes do come true here.  Even if it's only for a few days, that's an amazing feeling.  Throw in the fact that I don't do dishes or laundry and it truly is a dream come true!!

Disney allows - and encourages - everyone to be a kid again.  I love traveling with my boys to a place where they can act Goofy and it's totally normal!  I wish daily for time to slow down and my kids to stop growing older and I feel like it really does happen when we're at Disney.

Here's proof:

So when people ask why Disney again, I feel like they never quite understand when I say that it feels like home.  I could go into the unbelievable customer service Disney provides, the amazing attractions and shows, the mouth-watering food, the wonderful resorts and pools...  But the main reason I return is a feeling that you won't know about until you've experienced it.  Call me and let me help you get that feeling for yourself!!

Why Should You Have Me Book Your Disney Trip?

I've talked about this before but just wanted to remind everyone why it's a good idea to use a travel agent (preferably me!) when booking a Disney trip!

My services are totally free.  You will pay the same amount as you would if you booked on your own.  Often times, you'll pay less using me because I will monitor upcoming specials and apply them to your trip if possible!  Plus, check out some of my other posts - I have lots of ideas that will help you spend less once you are there.

I can work with any client anywhere!  People often think they have to live near me to use my services and that's not the case at all.  Most of my communication is done over email and phone.  I can ship any documents to you (at my cost) that you may require.

I think it's obvious that I love all things Disney!  That love makes it fun for me to learn and research the new options at Disney and investigate any questions you may have.

Take advantage of my referral program!  Simply forward on my name, email, website...  to your friends and family.  I always ask new clients how they heard of me and if they mention your name (and of course, book a trip!), I will contact you to find out your favorite restaurant and send you a $10 gift card to it!

Character Greeting Tips

One of the most fun parts of a Disney vacation is meeting your favorite Disney characters.  A little planning helps as some of the characters have long lines.  Here are a few of my favorite character pics and then see below for tips to make the most of your time with your Disney pals.

This is one of my favorite character greetings to date.  Andrew had spent the week wearing his Mickey Mouse baseball cap.  Each time we went up to meet a character, he would turn his hat around backwards so he could get a big hug without bumping his hat into them.  When he saw Buzz, he threw his hat down and took off running.  Looking back, I imagine he totally jumped the line but Buzz gave him hugs and high-fives and it was THE BEST.  If you know Andrew, you know he's always been super shy, so to see him so excited was the cutest thing ever.

Here are other favorite character pics:

Tips to get the most fun out of your character greetings:

* Be sure and get a FastPass if your favorite character has one available.  If your kids are desperate to meet Anna and Elsa, you really need a FastPass.  Wait times are often over an hour for them.

* Don't waste time.  It drives me nuts when the group in front of me gets to the front of the line and waits until it's their turn to start digging in bags for cameras, autograph books...  Be ready!  May not seem like a big deal but if a minute is wasted on each group going thru, the lines get unnecessarily long.

* Be ready with your phone if you want the photographer to take a picture with it.  I love Memory Maker and Disney's Photopass service, but sometimes I want a pic on my phone so that I can immediately post it on social media.  Photographers are awesome and are always willing to take other pictures using your phone/camera.

* Be prepared for your little one to wait in line, be super excited to see the character and then refuse to go near them for pictures.  Sometimes it's all a bit overwhelming to them.  The photographers are great at getting candid shots and if you can just coax your child into getting into the general vicinity of the character, you can probably still get good photos.

* Be creative.  Characters that are able sign will sign other items besides autograph books.  I've heard of them signing hats, MagicBands (I can't believe I've never done this!), shirts (as long as you're not currently wearing it), hats and postcards.  Be sure to bring your own pen - sharpies work well on everything except autograph books.  Use a regular pen for those.

* Check the times.  Most characters have posted times as to when they'll be where.  Get to them early.  If you wait until late in the time frame, you may be told that even though the character is still there, the line is "closed" to new arrivals.

* Visit with them.  The characters that are able to speak will answer questions about themselves and their stories.  Super fun and can be quite funny - in the case of Gaston, Cinderella's Step Sisters, Peter Pan...

* Book a character meal.  If you want to meet Mickey but don't want to worry about getting a FastPass or waiting in line, you can book a breakfast.  You'll get a few minutes during your meal where you are guaranteed to meet and visit with characters and get photos.

Have fun and enjoy your time with the characters.  Where else can you get a warm hug from Olaf?  When you're ready to go get that hug, give me a call!!!




Adults Only Trips to Disney

If you read my blog post last week (if you didn't, don't tell me!), then you know that I just returned from a solo Disney World trip.  I came back from that trip with several thoughts for those of you that might be considering a Magical vacation but think you'll go somewhere else because you aren't planning to take any kids with you.

First of all, without kids you are free.  I missed my family the entire time, but I was free to do whatever I wanted whenever I wanted.  One night I didn't even stop for dinner until well past 10:30pm.  If kids were there, we would have had a massive meltdown well before that time.  And my dinner one night was pretty much just what I bought at Goofy's Candy Co.  My kids would have loved it for sure, but I wouldn't have wanted to hang with them after that!

Spontaneity is much easier.  I was headed for the Haunted Mansion when I saw that it had been temporarily closed.  Checking the MyDisneyExperience app, I saw that Buzz Lightyear had a 10 minute wait.  I instantly changed my plans and took off at a very brisk walk for Buzz, enjoyed that and then back to Haunted Mansion.  I wouldn't have asked my kids to walk that much for one ride.  And I would have been frustrated at their lack of speed in doing so if they'd agreed!

I sat and watched every parade and fireworks show without anyone telling me they were bored or wanted to move on.  I visited every Princess and character meet and greet that I wanted without the boys teasing me for wanting to hug Cinderella.

The most hilarious moment was when I witnessed a young boy throw a spectacular fit outside of the Lego store in Disney Springs because he didn't get what he wanted.  By the end of it, his shoes and hat were in 3 different locations spread out among the crowd.  I tell you that kid deserved an Oscar.  I partially felt sorry for the parents and partially laughed my head off that it wasn't my kid.  Luckily they never did that (in public anyway) but it felt pretty good to know that wasn't happening to me.

There are tons and tons of amazing restaurants and bars at Disney that cater to the adult crowd.  I'm not much of a foodie, but if you are, then you're in for a treat at these places.  They will accommodate children of course, but are wonderful for adults.

You're also free to come and go as you please.  I tend to make my family go from open to close at the parks, but if you're looking for a bit more relaxation, you can go at a slower pace.  There are 2 amazing golf courses at Disney World and several spas to indulge in. 

Most resorts have a "quiet pool."  They aren't adults only, but with the appeal of the other resort pool which usually has slides, there are rarely children in the quiet pool.

To be honest, I would prefer taking my kids with me just because I love seeing Disney and all of the Magic through their eyes.  But trust me when I say you can have a perfectly Magical trip as grown ups.

If you're curious about all Disney has to offer for an adults only trip, please give me a call!  I would love to help you plan the perfect getaway!


That Time I Went to Disney World by MYSELF

So last week, I did something I would've never believed I'd do...  I went to Disney World alone.  Without my family.  All by Myself!  

Here are some pictures to prove it:


You may be wondering how I could be so cruel as to go there without my kids.  I thought the same thing before I went.  But it's not like I just yelled, "See ya suckers!" and took off for my Happy Place.  I went for training and really, truly, had no choice in the matter.  :)

I was offered a chance to go to Disney's Agent Education Program.  Of course since it's a training program for agents, families weren't allowed.  I really did agonize over the decision and went back and forth for a bit, but let me tell you - I'm so glad I went!  

Although I already felt like I was an expert at Disney World, there were tons of things I learned to help you make your trip even better.  We toured many of the resorts I hadn't been to and even were lucky enough to take a tour of Disney Cruise Line's Disney Dream.  

In the next few weeks, I will post specifics about what I learned, what's new and exciting at Disney World and even more tips and tricks that I learned from Disney Cast Members and the 40 other agents in attendance.  

I can honestly say I've NEVER come back from a work conference or training feeling pumped about my job - until now.  A Magical time was had for sure!

Hats Galore!

The best vacations are ones that you want to relive over and over in your memories and of course, pictures are a great way to do that.

I've made several photo books and even movies including all of our pictures and videos from our trips.  Don't worry, I won't make you watch them - but you can if you want!  :)

We like to do similar pictures on each trip and it's fun to see what changes and what stays the same.  On Disney trips, we've always had fun trying on silly hats.  And at Disney, there are LOTS of gift shops with LOTS of hats so we've tried on a bunch.  Scroll through these pics to see some of the many hats we've worn:

When you travel to Disney, be sure to take advantage of the Disney professional photographers, but take your own camera also.  Most of my favorite pics are quick shots that just happened to be in the perfect setting, light or circumstance.  

Stay tuned and soon I'll do a blog post on tips and tricks for using Memory Maker (Disney's photo service) and your own camera.  Call me today to book a trip and get started snapping your own pics! 

My Favorite "Disney Magic" Stories

I subscribe to several Disney websites/blogs/newsletters written for and by Disney nerds like myself.  My favorite articles are always the ones in which people tell of their stories of "Disney Magic."  It's a real thing, people!  And it always warms my heart to hear their tales of a bad day made better by a great cast member, a surprise in their hotel room, a free treat or a FastPass given to them that they weren't expecting.

Here are a few of my personal favorite Magical Moments:

We happened to walk by a Character Greeting area for Belle and noticed that she would be there in five minutes and no one was in line yet.  We got in line to wait and right as she was walking up, it started to rain.  She asked Luke if he would mind walking with her to an inside area since she didn't want him to get rained on.  They walked together for several minutes while he chatted with her nonstop.   I have to admit I enjoyed the jealous looks on others' faces as we walked along!

I've mentioned this one before, but it still boggles my mind that we waited less than 30 minutes for Santa at Disney World!  We would've waited an hour minimum at the mall at home.  More Disney Magic as we just happened to get in line the second before they closed it.

More character Magic...  Mary Poppins is one of my favorite characters but I've never seen her in the parks.  On our last day, we had just a few minutes and I insisted we go into Magic Kingdom for the time we had left.  Right as we walked in, I saw Mary with not a single person around her.  I grabbed Luke and headed over to visit with her.  He was wearing his "Happy Birthday, Sharkey" button and Mary noticed it.  When we explained to her that Sharkey is a nickname, she clapped and yelled, "Brilliant!"  Luke (and I!) loved it!

Gaston, of course, is one of the most rude characters in the parks and we were lucky to get to visit with him for a while.  So rude to me, but so nice to Luke.  Luke laughed for ages when Gaston told me to "Smile like you're making me a sandwich."  

Do you have a Disney Magic story?  If so, please comment below and warm my heart with your memories!  




With an amazing land set to debut at Disney’s Animal Kingdom Theme Park in 2017, a new festival, a multitude of dining locations and popular returning events, 2017 is shaping up to be an exciting year at the Walt Disney World Resort!

Check out the 17 reasons to visit Walt Disney World Resort in 2017 …

1)    “Star Wars: A Galactic Spectacular” Fireworks at Disney’s Hollywood Studios

This “out of this world” fireworks spectacular, which returned a few weeks ago to Disney’s Hollywood Studios, uses the latest projections effects, lighting, lasers and pyrotechnics to light up the sky, Star Wars style.

2)    Rogue One: A Star Wars Story – Inspired additions to Star Wars Launch Bay

You can celebrate the newest cinematic addition to Star Wars, courtesy of an assortment of props from Rogue One: A Star Wars Story.

3)    MagicBand 2 Rolls Out

MagicBand 2, the next iteration of bands that offer the same helpful functions as the original bands, have just made their way to select Disney Parks merchandise locations and the Shop Disney Parks app.

4)    Exclusive New Star Wars Tour Now Available at Disney’s Hollywood Studios

This seven-hour experience, led by a Star Wars “all-in-the-know” tour guide, allows you to experience Star Tours – The Adventures Continue; get an insider’s tour and meet characters at Star Wars Launch Bay; screen “Star Wars: Path of the Jedi” and enjoy Star Wars-themed menu items at Backlot Express. The tour wraps at the Star Wars: A Galactic Spectacular Dessert Party, which includes reserved viewing for the show.  Younglings ages 4-12 on the Guided Tour package can also train in the way of The Force in Jedi Training: Trials of the Temple. The price is $129 per Guest.

5)    Disney After Hours Events Return January-March

Disney After Hours returns to Magic Kingdom Park on Jan. 20, 27, Feb. 2, 9, 16, March 2 and 9, 2017. This 3-hour event takes place after the park closes and is only open to a limited number of Guests, which means much shorter lines at 25 attractions, character greetings and more. The cost is $119 per adult or child (tax not included).

6)    More Dining to Debut at Disney Springs

Dozens of shopping and dining locations made their debut at Disney Springs in 2016 – and even more are set to open in 2017! Stay tuned for news and opening dates for Planet Hollywood Observatory, Paddlefish, The Polite Pig, The Edison and Wine Bar George.

7)    Milestone Races for runDisney

It’s the 20th Anniversary of the Walt Disney World Half Marathon. And to celebrate, they’ve made Donald Duck their mascot. Also, in anticipation of the release of “Beauty & The Beast” this spring, runDisney has themed this year’s Princess Half Marathon after the film.

8)    First-Ever Epcot International Festival of the Arts Begins January 13 

Epcot will start 2017 off with a bang, offering a brand new art festival for you to experience. This new offering will run weekends between Jan 13-Feb. 20, 2017 and will showcase visual, culinary and performing arts.

9)    Epcot International Flower & Garden Festival Begins March 1

This year’s spring festival will run March 1-May 29, 2017. Festival “firsts” include brand-new topiaries of Belle and Figment, two new outdoor kitchens (bringing the total to 15), and a “Cars” interactive play garden for kids in honor of the upcoming Disney•Pixar film, “Cars 3.”

10) New Garden Rocks Dining Packages to debut at Epcot International Flower & Garden Festival

During the Epcot International Flower & Garden Festival, dining packages will be available on select days at a number of Epcot restaurants, combining dinner and reserved seating for performances of the Garden Rocks Concert Series.

11) New Family Raft Ride at Disney’s Typhoon Lagoon Water Park

Coming this spring, you can enjoy a new family-style raft attraction at Disney’s Typhoon Lagoon Water Park. Planned to be one of the longest Disney water park attractions, this experience will immerse you in the story of treasure hunter, Captain Mary Oceaneer. Guests will gently ascend in treasure rafts, only to plunge into a whitewater adventure where they may encounter some of Mary’s legendary treasure.

12) Boulder Ridge Cove, Geyser Point Bar & Grill Opening Summer 2017

Scheduled to open at Disney’s Wilderness Lodge in summer 2017, Boulder Ridge Cove pool will feature an expanded sun deck and zero-depth-entry pool in what appears to have been an abandoned rock quarry. Geyser Point Bar & Grill, a new quick-service eatery, will be located in the heart of the feature pool area of Disney’s Wilderness Lodge.

13) Pandora – The World of AVATAR Opening Summer 2017

This new land will open its doors at Disney’s Animal Kingdom Theme Park in summer 2017 with exciting new offerings – including AVATAR Flight of Passage, the Na’vi River Journey, the Satu’li Canteen Restaurant, Pongu Pongu drink location and Windtraders merchandise shop.

14) Epcot International Food & Wine Festival Returns for a Record 75 Days

This year’s festival will kick off on August 31 and run through November 13 – for a record 75 days!

15) 35th Anniversary of Epcot

The second theme park to be built at the Walt Disney World Resort will mark its 35th anniversary on Oct. 1, 2017.

16) More Updates to Star Wars-Inspired Land

A Star Wars-inspired land is currently under construction at Disney’s Hollywood Studios. Measuring 14-acres, this new land will transport you to a never-before-seen planet, a remote trading port and one of the last stops before wild space where Star Wars characters and their stories come to life.

17) Return of Holiday Favorites

Stay tuned for updates on next year’s Candlelight Processional narrators, the return of Mickey’s Very Merry Christmas Party at Magic Kingdom Park, “Jingle Bell, Jingle BAM” at Disney’s Hollywood Studios and more!