5 Crazy Facts about Disney World's Trash!

Disney World has an average annual attendance of 52 MILLION visitors! So of course, that means a lot of trash is generated. Here are some amazing facts about all of that trash…

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1 - AVACS - You’ve probably heard that a lot of the behind-the-scenes work at Magic Kingdom takes place below the park itself. It’s built on top of a series of utility corridors or “utilidors” that house many of the operations that keep the park running smoothly.

The AVAC system — Automated Vacuum Assisted Collection System — was imported from Sweden. It’s basically a series of large tubes that hang from the ceiling of the utilidor. It moves trash around the park through pneumatic tubes at 60 miles per hour to a central collection point located behind Splash Mountain where it is processed, compressed or recycled. There are access points all over the park and the garbage is actually “sucked” into the tubes. The vacuum is created by two motors and exhausts and the tubes themselves are 20″ in diameter.

2 - AMOUNT OF WASTE - An average of more than 80,000 pounds of garbage run through the AVACS every day. And that’s just at the Magic Kingdom! According to a report from the Reedy Creek Improvement District, which oversees Disney World operations, more than 110,000 TONS of solid waste were discarded in 2017.

3 - GARBAGE TRUCKS - Who is taking care of all this trash? That falls on the Reedy Creek Improvement District’s 35 solid waste transfer vehicles. In 2017, these vehicles made an average of 191 pick-ups per day. Keep in mind these are full-size garbage trucks that would be full each pick-up. That’s a pick-up every 7.5 minutes on average!

4 - CUSTOM TRASH CANS - Walt Disney World trash cans have become such a crucial part of the Disney experience, that they even sell merchandise designed around them.

Walt himself wanted to make sure the park was clean and tidy. Typical trash cans at the time were simple round, open receptacles that led to foul odor and trash spilling out - far from clean and tidy.

Trash can inspired salt/pepper shakers!

Trash can inspired salt/pepper shakers!

Walt came up with a solution - the covered bin with a swinging lid. This would contain the trash out of sight, and control the smell. Disneyland was the first place to use these trash cans, but Walt never patented the idea because other manufacturers told him they were useless.

The trash cans are themed appropriately to the area of the park they are in. They are part of the decor and actually FUN to look at. This makes you more likely to walk up to a trash can and use it.

5 - PERFECT PLACEMENT - Besides the perfect designs for trash cans, Walt knew they had to be perfectly placed in order for people to use them. He decided to station a trash can every 30 feet.

There are a few different versions of the story of how Walt came up with this exact measurement. The first is that it’s how long it took him to finish his hot dog as he walked from the stand. When he was done, he needed a trash can to dispose of the wrapper. The second is that Walt and his team removed all of the trash cans on Main Street and then handed out candy and snacks to people as they entered the park. They then watched and counted how long people would carry the wrappers and paper before giving up and dropping them, and it was around 30 feet.

Who knew that trash could be so interesting?? Remember that I will plan and book your Disney trip for free and leave you with time on your hands to read about things like garbage!

Five Fun Secrets of the Haunted Mansion

The Haunted Mansion was one of the original rides at Magic Kingdom’s opening day on October 1, 1971. It’s the home of “999 happy haunts” - but of course there’s always room for one more!!

Poor Ryan thought he was going to become the 1000th resident ghost in the Haunted Mansion.

Poor Ryan thought he was going to become the 1000th resident ghost in the Haunted Mansion.

The Imagineers certainly had fun creating this attraction, and snuck in a few fun details. Watch for these on your next trip…

A Missing Engagement Ring

The Imagineers didn’t go overboard in telling the story of the Haunted Mansion - they left it fairly vague which adds to the mystery. The legend you’ll hear most often is of the engagement ring. Supposedly the attic bride threw it off of the balcony after murdering one of her husbands. The reality is that it was a scrap of metal left over from an old gate removal. At one point, the attraction received a refurbishment and the metal was removed. Guests were so furious that when the queue was redone in 2011, the Imagineers added a real engagement ring. Look for it as you weave through the entrance line – it’s in the part of the line where you’ve wrapped around and the “head” statues are on the other side of the fence. It’s tucked in between a wall and a nearby trash can. If you can’t find it just ask a Mansion Maid or Butler. They’re always DYING to help out guests.

Madame Leota’s Tombstone

If you get the feeling you’re being watched while in line, you just might be right. Right before you enter the building, look to the graveyard on your left. Watch Madame Leota’s tombstone for a moment and she might spring to life. And yep, this is the same Madame Leota from the seance room inside the Mansion!


A Haunted Game Piece

Look up to the rooftop of the Mansion. Notice anything? The cement ornaments on top are chess pieces! Marc Davis, an Imagineer that designed the Mansion was a fan of the game. While working on the attraction design, he often left chess pieces laying around the model and one night left them on top of the model. They must have liked the look of it since they made it onto the actual attraction! Be sure when you leave the attraction to ask the PhotoPass photographer for the “Magic Shot” with the hitchhiking ghost!!

Meet Your Host, Your Ghost Host

Most people love the chilling voice of the Ghost Host (and many will recite the stretch room speech by heart). But guess what? You can actually get a glimpse of the Ghost Host on the ride! His portrait hangs in the Mansion. Look for it after you pass the casket with the hand coming out of it as your doom buggy has turned backwards. It’s hanging on the right just before you swivel back around and see the grandfather clock.

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Mr. Toad in the Graveyard

One of the attractions that people miss most from Disney World is Mr. Toad’s Wild Ride. I was lucky enough to get to go to Disneyland recently where the attraction still exists and rode it there. Not quite as terrifying as I remember it being when I first rode it at the age of 10, but still fun!! It was replaced at Disney World with The Many Adventures of Winnie the Pooh (there’s a nod to Mr. Toad in that ride also). The Haunted Mansion Imagineers included poor Mr. Toad in the special pet cemetery at the graveyard. Look to the left as you’re exiting the attraction (he’s at the far back left).

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Do you have other attractions you’d love to know the secrets of? Or do you have secrets of your own to share? Put it in the comments!

And one thing to not keep secret - if you let me help you book and plan your Disney vacation, you’ll be getting my expert service FREE OF CHARGE!! Give me a call!

Winter Snow Storm Predicted to Hit Disney World This Week!

Wait, what?? Snow at Disney World? I might be a little confused - although it’s supposed to snow in Oklahoma tomorrow, none is predicted for Orlando. According to rumors, it’s only actually ever snowed at Disney World twice - once in the late 70s and once in the late 80s but not enough to stick either time.

So if you want snow, Orlando is probably not the best option for you. However, with the possibility of snow here, I’m dreaming of Disney World and the warmth of it all - along with a warm hug from Olaf!


Not everyone wants to be quite as toasty warm as I do, though. So if you’re one of the people looking to stay cool on a Disney World trip, here are a few tips for you.

First off - go during cooler weather!! October/November are beautiful and have fewer crowds. January, February and early March (avoiding Marathon weekends and Spring Break) also have fewer crowds but you’ll run into a bit more rain then. Still, that helps keep it cooler.

If you do happen to go in the hotter months, there are plenty of ways to cool off. When we were there a few years ago, they had a Frozen themed “snow” playground. It’s not there anymore but you never know when something like this will pop up!


Of course, there of tons of refreshing treats (DOLE WHIP, ANYONE??) to help you beat the heat. And don’t forget about Club Cool in Epcot where you can drink all you want of the complimentary sodas from around the world!

Look for water areas to help your kids cool off. There are misters scattered around and plenty of fountains to run through. And sometimes just the “feeling” of being cold is all you really need - it’s a frame of mind!

I love how almost all of the queues for attractions are indoors or in the shade. Stick to the rides that will keep you out of the sun. A great spot for this is in Norway at Epcot. Even in the summer, you feel like you are in the snowy mountains. Be sure to visit the Frozen Singalong at Hollywood Studios for an indoor snow storm! Or take a trip to visit the Yeti on Mt. Everest! I tend to black out on that ride but based on the shakes I get, I think it cools me off…

You may not always get perfect weather on your trip, but with some advanced planning we can make sure you have the best time possible. Please give me a call if you are thinking about a Disney (or Universal!) trip. I can’t wait to help you have a Magical time!!

Disney World... The SCARIEST Place on Earth??

Although in my mind, Disney World is most certainly NOT a scary place, there are some scary elements to be aware of if you're heading there with small children.  

There are some obvious scary things that parents are prepared for like thrill rides intended for adults.  A few off the top of my head are the Tower of Terror, Mission: SPACE, Rock 'n' Roller Coaster...  

But there are a few rides that you think of as family friendly that just might make smaller ones a bit nervous.  I love the Haunted Mansion, but as a kid that one can be a little spooky.  Check out one of my favorite videos of Luke's reaction when he was 3.


And it's not just my goofy little kids that have been known to be nervous on this ride.  I love this picture while on Haunted Mansion - Ryan looks a little nervous.  But check out the kid in the Doom Buggy next to us.  His Dad just decided it was too much and covered the kid's face.  Hilarious! (Maybe not to the kid).  I would still recommend this ride to families, but just know it's dark and spooky and think about if your child could handle that.


Another potentially scary part of the parks is the noise of the fireworks shows and parades.  Andrew hid from us once (causing ME to be terrified) during a parade because he didn't like the noise.  And he likes looking at fireworks but the noise bothers him.  Wish I'd have thought back then to take ear plugs along to help him enjoy these parts more.  If you have one that is nervous with loud noises, plan ahead and take those ear plugs.

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Dark areas, even those that have no scary elements, can bother a lot of kids.  We let the boys take tiny flashlights with them the first time they went and if they got nervous in a dark part of the park, they could turn them on for a minute to calm their nerves.  I would also recommend taking a nightlight for your hotel room as those are either pitch dark at night or you have to leave the bathroom light on which seems super bright!

Security can also be an issue for some children.  Something about the officers in uniform and everyone crowding around can cause anxiety.  Mention it to your child ahead of time so that they are prepared for it.  And once in a while, there will be a security dog on duty.  If your child is afraid of dogs, letting them know that one may be nearby may help.


Of course, I've seen tons of kids that have a complete meltdown when approached by Characters.  The good news is that most characters now have Meet-and-Greets and are rarely just out wondering in the parks.  But once again, just prepare the child in advance.  The characters are awesome though about realizing that the child doesn't want to be approached and you'll probably not have any problems in this area!

Please give me a call if you're thinking about a Disney trip.  I have a list of rides and how my kids handle them that can certainly help when you're planning.  And remember my services are always FREE to plan and book your trip!!

Want to Know Where to Get the Best Pics at Disney World?

If you're anything like me, you have what you think of as an excellent memory.  But then you see a picture of something and realize you had forgotten all about that moment.

So to make sure you have a lasting memory of the fun you had on vacation, you'll want to have a lot of pics from your trip.  In this post, I'll let you know about some fun and new Photopass experiences and some pics you don't want to miss.

First, the pics you have to have...

In my book, if you don't get a family photo in front of the Castle and a family photo with Mickey, you've completely failed and will need to redo the whole trip!  It was almost a disaster this time as we weren't able to get the Mickey pic until OUR LAST DAY.  Trust me I was stressed about it.  The problem is that our usual plan of meeting Mickey first thing in the morning never panned out.  Both days that we started at Magic Kingdom didn't work - one was race day so we weren't there at rope drop and the other was the day that it was just Luke and I while the others played golf.  Now that Mickey has some cool technology that allows him to interact with the guests, the line gets crazy long.  So while I normally don't recommend a FastPass for a character meeting, if you're not going first thing, you might think about doing that.  I've heard rumors that they may discontinue the technology and just have standard photo ops which would speed up the line but that's not been verified yet.

Other pics that I love are those that you can only get if you purchase them through PhotoPass.  If you do Memory Maker (read more about that here), you can get all of these pics for one price.  If you don't think you'll want them all, you can purchase them individually from the website.  I love the Magic Shots and the in-ride photos.  Here are some of the new ones they offer since we were last there:

I love that each time we go, there is something new we haven't done or seen.  The Hitchhiking Ghost is one of my favorite pics from this trip!  And the addition of the in-ride photo at Pirates of the Caribbean is fun.  I'll admit that the Lantern pic is one of my most and least favorite pics.  The lighting makes me look 1,000 years old - yes, let's just say it's the lighting.  But you know how I love Tangled so the boys went and rode a couple rides while I waited in line for this.  Beware, the line is long since they only do this shot after dark and it seems to take people FOREVER to get together and smile, but I love it.  To get this pic, just head to the restrooms in Rapunzel's area (I still can't believe all she has are restrooms!!) sometime after dusk.  

Sadly one pic that I had heard rumors of before we went was a Magic Shot one with a Giant Dole Whip!  They are supposedly near Aloha Isle but I was never able to find a photographer there.  If you go, check for yourself and send me your pic if you get one!!

And lastly, don't forget to take lots of pics with your phone or personal camera.  As much as I love the PhotoPass pics, you can get a lot of really memorable ones yourself and they're free!  Also, don't underestimate your kids' photography skills.  Luke and Andrew took a lot of pics for me when I was on a ride or just not with them.  The first one in this group is one that will always remind me that Andrew had a broken finger and his cast REEKED of the nastiest odor ever! 

The next one is a really fun picture that you can ask the balloon vendor to help you with - they won't let go of the balloons, but they will move out of the shot so it looks like you've got the whole bunch.  

The next one is a benefit of early morning dining reservations.  A picture in front of the castle alone!  It's rare to get a pic without a throng of people in your shot.  And the last one is special to me since it's a pic of my race medal.  I love the castle in the background.  You can do this with anything you'd like - a new souvenir, a child's favorite stuffed animal...  I wish I'd had somebody's Flat Stanley with me on this trip!  

As much as I love being at Disney World, I know that memories fade.  These pictures won't and they'll bring me joy forever.  Let me help you plan a memorable trip so that you can get your own awesome pics!!







Disney World MagicBands FAQ

One of the most exciting days before traveling to Disney is the day the MagicBands arrive in the mail!  As soon as I see the box, the trip becomes even more of a reality!  (And just to embarrass my boys, I usually scream and do a Happy Dance).

For those of you that haven’t been to Disney World, or haven’t been in many years, here’s some helpful information about those Magical Bands and how to use them.

What is a MagicBand?

This colorful wristband is actually an all-in-one device that effortlessly connects you to all the vacation choices you made with My Disney Experience.

Your MagicBand enables you to travel lighter throughout your vacation. Use it to enter the parks, unlock your Disney Resort hotel room and buy food and merchandise. Plus, your MagicBand gives you FastPass+ access to all the experiences you’ve selected online.

** Be sure to NOT pack your MagicBands in your checked luggage.  You will use them right off the bat to board Disney’s Magical Express at the airport.  And if you’ve checked in online prior to your trip, you can go straight to your room using your MagicBand to unlock your door.  So put them on when you head out to start your trip!


Your MagicBand also is used by Disney PhotoPass Service. The photographer will scan your band after taking your photos.  You’ll also have your ride photos automatically linked to your account while wearing your band on rides that offer in-ride pics.  If you’ve purchased the Memory Maker, all you have to do is go to your PhotoPass account to see all the memories captured and created for you.

 How do I use my MagicBand?

Most of the time, all you need to do is touch your MagicBand against a sensor called a touch point. It’s that easy!

MagicBands can also be read by long-range readers to deliver amazing personalized experiences, as well as provide information that helps Disney improve their overall experience.

In addition to touching your MagicBand to a touch point, you will be required to enter a PIN code to uniquely identify yourself when making purchases. 

To enter the parks, you will be required to provide biometric identification (fingerprint) or show a photo ID that matches the name identified with your ticket. This process helps to ensure that you, and only you, have access to the entitlements linked to your MagicBand.



MagicBands are always operational. They don’t have an on/off switch. If you lose a MagicBand, you can deactivate it on My Disney Experience, and it will no longer be linked to your tickets and other entitlements.  You can visit Guest Relations for help with a replacement - occasionally they will replace without a charge depending on the circumstances.

MagicBands use Radio Frequency (RF) technology and can be read by short and long-range readers located at the Walt Disney World Resort. If you prefer to use a card—which cannot be detected by long-range readers—you can request a card at your Disney Resort hotel.

In addition, any Guest who wishes to use their MagicBand to purchase an alcoholic beverage at Walt Disney World Resort must also present a valid form of identification.

How can I get a MagicBand?

MagicBands are available at no cost to Guests staying at Disney Resort hotels. Guests staying off-site receive a card with the purchase of park admission. Those guests are welcome to purchase a MagicBand online before their trip or at many locations throughout Disney World.

When is the deadline for customizing my MagicBand?

Customize your MagicBand with your name and favorite color as soon as possible after making your Disney Resort hotel reservation!  I'd be happy to do this for you!

  • If you customize your MagicBand at least 11 days before you arrive at your Disney Resort hotel, it will be shipped to your home.
  • If you customize your MagicBand between 10 days and 6 days before you arrive at your Disney Resort hotel, you will receive it when you arrive at your Disney Resort hotel.
  • If you do not customize your MagicBand until 5 days or less before your arrival, you will receive a non-customized MagicBand when you arrive at your Disney Resort hotel - these are boring grey bands so don’t wait too long!  (Sorry to those of you that love the color grey!)

When you customize your MagicBand, the printed name appears on the inside for your privacy.  I like to have our nicknames printed just for fun.  You can also write your cell phone number in sharpie on these before you go for a small child’s band.  Peace of mind just in case they get lost.

Customization doesn’t stop there. Disney sells a number of special edition MagicBands: everything from Star Wars to Mickey Mouse is available to purchase. Most of these special bands are about $20 and can be purchased from DisneyStore.com in advance of your trip or in theme park stores on-site.

For even more customization, guests can add accessories like character images and jewels called MagicBandits. These decorations pop into the adjustable holes on the MagicBand.

With the introduction of MagicBand 2 in early 2017, the customization options are even more robust. MagicBand 2 has a center disc Disney is calling the “icon” that can be removed with a small screwdriver. Creative Disney types are mixing and matching the icon with different color bands. If you don’t want to wear a band, you can even remove the icon entirely and put it in new accessories Disney is selling called MagicKeepers to turn them into keychains, lanyards, and more.

You’ll see Guests that have gone to extremes while decorating their bands.  I purchased “skins” from sellers on etsy to place on our bands.  Here are a few pics of the packaging and the bands, including the before and after pictures of a couple of our bands.

Make yours stand out and be prepared for Cast Members to admire them!

How do I use my MagicBand or card when I have a FastPass+ arrival time at an attraction or entertainment experience?

When you arrive during your scheduled FastPass+ arrival time, all you need to do is proceed to the FASTPASS queue entrance and touch your MagicBand or card to a sensor called a touch point - so easy!

Please remember that each member of your party will have to individually touch their MagicBand or card to the touch point, so everyone should be sure to have their MagicBand or card available.

How do I make purchases using my MagicBand?

If you’re staying at a Disney Resort hotel, you can charge purchases to your room by touching your MagicBand or card against a sensor called a touch point and entering a PIN code to uniquely identify yourself. You self-select your PIN upon check-in at your Walt Disney World Resort hotel.

Hungry for a snack? Want a souvenir? Use your MagicBand to charge these purchases at a Walt Disney World theme park to your Disney Resort hotel room. Are MagicBands waterproof?

You can select which MagicBands are able to charge - might be a good idea to not give charge privileges to your kids! 

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Are MagicBands waterproof?

Yes. MagicBands are waterproof so you don’t have to worry about protecting them from water exposure when you visit the Disney water parks, enjoy water attractions at the Disney theme parks, swim at the pool at your Disney Resort hotel or get caught outside in the rain.


Have other questions??  Contact me or comment below!!

California Dreamin'

To all of my West Coast peeps - and to my non-West Coast peeps that have West Coast peeps - put the word out to your friends that I’m looking for my first Disneyland booking! I’ve been having a great time booking Disney World Resort stays and Disney Cruises, but I’d love to get on the Disneyland train.

So for the first client that books a Disneyland package (hotel and theme park tickets) with me, I'll throw in a $25 Disney gift card with your package.  Fastest and easiest way to get the word out is to simply share this post!

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And if you're not planning a trip, don’t despair!  If you refer someone to me, you’ll of course be eligible for the $10 restaurant gift card through my referral program.  WIN/WIN.

Christmas is the Perfect Time to Surprise Your Family with a Trip!

I LOVE surprising my kids and can't think of anything more fun than surprising them with a trip to Disney World.  The first time we went, they were too young to get it and I just told them with no fanfare.  Without having a clue about Disney World, they were excited about a trip but it wasn't a huge thing.  

The next time we went, I planned it out and set up the video camera to capture the moment.  No big fanfare again - although I feel like I missed an opportunity there - but at least I got it on video.  It was the best/worst reaction in the world.  Watch this video to see why...


Obviously, it wasn't the destination that caused the meltdown at the end, but the means of travel.  He'd never flown before and he was none too excited about the idea.  Thankfully, I had surprised them with this news months before we were going so we had plenty of time to prepare him.  In the end, he did fine, but I think if we had tried to leave that next day, he would still be screaming in the airport.

Some things to keep in mind while deciding how or when to surprise your family:

1)  Plan your surprise based on the reaction you expect from your kids.  Some will need to know far in advance to mentally prepare themselves for a flight or just a trip in general.  And some will be agonized over a long wait time.  Obviously hard to really know ahead of time, but be ready for either reaction.

2)  Don't mislead them about the destination.  If you've got a kid that loves skiing more than anything else, they might be disappointed when it's revealed that the trip is heading in the opposite direction.  

3)  If they are older, surprise them well in advance.  Then let them do research with you as to what dining reservations they'd like, FastPasses they want or even give their input on which resort to stay at.  As much as I would love someone to put me on a plane and send me to Disney, I'd be a little disappointed if I didn't have a hand in the planning.  That's part of the fun for me!

Below are just a few ideas I've found around the internet from others that have surprised their kids.  Give one a try and let me know in the comments how well it was received!  And if you've done something similar, comment below to share.

* Scavenger hunt with clues leading around the house to various hidden Disney items (great use for dollar store items), with the end clue telling them they're going to Disney.

* Print up colorful tickets for Disney showing dates of trip and wrap up.  Most fun to put in small box, then in bigger boxes for a bunch of unwrapping!

* Send your kids mail from Mickey and Friends telling them they can't wait for them to visit, and give details in the letter about the trip.

* If you've already booked a trip and have your MagicBands, wrap those up and put under the tree.

* Print pictures of the Castle and also print pictures of your kids.  Cut out the kid's pics and attach them to the front of the castle to where it looks like they are there.  Put a note with it saying it will happen soon!

* Get Mickey shirts for the whole family and let them know they'll be wearing them while meeting Mickey!

* If your kids are younger, you might enlist Santa's help or their Elf on the Shelf.  I know some elves show up in Mickey ears.

* Make pancakes for breakfast and pour the batter into the shape of Mickey ears.