Disneyland vs. Disney World - Which One is Better? Part Two...

If you didn’t read last week’s post, be sure and do it here… So in Part Two, I’ll give you the reasons why Disney World is the best.

The most amazing feeling at Disney World is when you first enter the park and see the Castle. It’s one of my favorite views in the world. The Castle at Disneyland is pretty, but it’s quite a bit smaller and just doesn’t have the same impact. Yes, I know in these pics, I’m close to the first castle and farther away from the second. But they are significantly different in size.

Actually, I first should have mentioned the transportation to Disney World from the airport. It’s complimentary for on-site resort guests! Disneyland Express is an extra charge. The Magical Express is one of my favorite things (on the way to Disney anyway - on the way out, it’s super sad!). At Orlando International, you can’t miss the Magical Express and you feel like you are already in the Disney Bubble as soon as you get the to boarding area. Not really the case in L.A. The Disneyland Express bus was convenient but just felt like a plain old bus ride. Magical Express shows Disney videos to get you in the Disney mood!

Another perk that Disney World has which Disneyland doesn’t is the MagicBands. I’ve done a blog post on them before - check it out here for the details… I love the bling of a MagicBand but more importantly I love what it does. I can unlock my room door, get into the parks, redeem FastPasses, charge things to my room and have my PhotoPass pictures put on my account without having to carry around anything but my band! So convenient!

I mentioned on Part One that Disneyland has a couple of Lands that Disney World doesn’t. But to be fair, Disney World has 4 - count them 4 - parks!! Compared to the 2 parks of Disneyland, you’ve got a lot more options there. It’s definitely not as easy to get between the 4 parks as it is to park-hop at Disneyland but it can be done. We did all 4 in one day on our last Disney World trip and it was so much fun.

One day Four parks!

One day Four parks!

Of course, park hopping takes time and energy so consider the people in your party (small kids, elderly peeps?) before embarking on that adventure!

So which rides do I like better at Disney World? Going the time of year that I went to Disneyland, The Haunted Mansion had its holiday overlay which means it’s done in the theme of the Nightmare Before Christmas. If you like that movie, then you might prefer to see it with the overlay. For some reason, I’ve never been a fan of that movie so really didn’t like the overlay. I was sad to not see may favorite ghosts and hear my favorite song! Disney World definitely gets the win on this ride.

The monorail is probably better at Disney World also - it actually provides transportation there where at Disneyland I kind of feel like it’s a filler ride. At Disneyland it takes you from Downtown Disney to Tomorrowland and back. I would much rather go in the main entrance and walk down Main Street so didn’t ride it much. At Disney World, you can get from the Magic Kingdom to Epcot and to 3 resorts - much more useful.

I felt like I would rather ride Buzz Lightyear and Toy Story Mania at Disney World but I honestly think it’s because of the lack of a cute queue.

I prefer pretty much all of the ride queues at Disney World. A lot of them have been redone in recent years and offer hands-on entertainment while you’re waiting. Disneyland queues are just plain old rope lines.

So after all of this… do I have a winner? Honestly if money was no object, I would just go back and forth between the 2 each trip. Sadly since I don’t have unlimited funds, I would pick Disney World any chance I am able to go. There’s just so much more there. I also think people prefer the one that they know better and have an attachment to. I may have gone to Disneyland first (when I was 10), but it was so long ago I didn’t really remember it. Having been to Disney World so many times - and having been with my kids - makes it more of an emotional attachment for me.

Everyone is different and every family has different needs. Call me and let’s figure out which one would be best for you!! My services are FREE!!

Disneyland vs. Disney World - Which One is Better? Part One...

Traveling to Disneyland and Disney World both within the last year, I have found myself constantly comparing the two. So today, I want to tell you what’s the same, what’s different and which one I prefer!

First off, as I heard many times during my recent Disneyland training, picking one over the other is kind of like picking your favorite child. Can’t (or shouldn’t!) really be done. So I’ll have a hard time saying, “if you can only go to one, go here…” But I will tell you which parts of the parks are different in good and bad ways.

Something unique to Disneyland is that Walt Disney himself set foot there. To a Disnerd like myself, that’s pretty incredible. I love the fact that Walt’s apartment has been kept intact above the firehouse on Main Street. You can even go in it if you do the “Walk in Walt’s Footsteps” tour. Sadly, I didn’t get to do the tour this time but it’s on my list to do when I return!

The biggie in favor of Disneyland is the transportation. Or really lack thereof. The entire 4 days I was at Disneyland, I never set foot in a bus, car or public transportation. Other than the ride from the airport to Disneyland, I walked. The 3 onsite hotels are literally onsite. Unlike Disney World where you may still be a few miles from the park you want to visit, you are within walking distance to both parks. The nearby Good Neighbor hotels are also within walking distance!

And if you want to park hop, you don’t need to factor in transportation time. It takes literally 30 seconds to walk from the exit of one park to the entrance of the other. And even better, security checkpoints are outside of this area so to go from one park to the other doesn’t require going through security again!

There are a few rides that I think are better at Disneyland:

Space Mountain - It seemed darker and more intense. I don’t tend to get butterflies on the Disney World version but I did at Disneyland! I also like that you can sit side-by-side which is nice if you have a smaller child you want to sit with. Luke was pretty nervous on the Disney World one the first time since he was in a row alone.

it’s a small world - Disneyland puts much more emphasis on this ride. It’s in a stand-alone building here rather than mixed in with the other rides of Fantasyland. And during the holidays, they go all out and overlay it with a holiday theme. So cute and festive!! Beware though - they intersperse Jingle Bells with the Small World theme song throughout and it WILL get stuck in your head!! :)

Autopia (Tomorrowland Speedway at WDW) - This ride is certainly not a thrill ride and you can feel like you’ve gotten whiplash if you let your kid drive. But this version seemed easier to control, was a longer drive and had a lot more to see and do on it. Way better than the Disney World version which we sometimes skip.

Another plus for Disneyland is that they have a couple of lands that Disney World doesn’t. The theming and the rides in Cars Land and Pixar Pier are outstanding. Radiator Springs Racers is up there with my favorite rides ever!

So based on just these few things, can I say which one is my favorite? You know me - of course I can’t! Look for Part 2 next week on the things that I prefer at Disney World. Maybe then I’ll be able to decide…

And of course, call me and let’s chat about which one would be best for you and your family! I would love to plan and book your trip at NO ADDITIONAL COST TO YOU!!

Is MaxPass Worth the Cost at Disneyland?

On my recent trip to Disneyland, I was fortunate enough to have complimentary MaxPass added to my ticket. So of course, totally worth the (no) cost! But would I do it if I had to pay for it myself?

Answer as usual with me is “it depends.” It costs $10/per person/per day. If money isn’t a huge concern to you, then I’d say no question at all - get it. If you have just a couple of people, then the price is reasonable also. But if you’re like me and have a family of 5, MaxPass will run you $50/per day and if you do 3 days at Disneyland, that’s an additional $150.

Now as cheap as I am, I’d probably still do it. The thing about Disneyland is that FastPasses aren’t included at all like at Disney World. So without MaxPass, you’ll be waiting in every line. If it’s not a crowded day, this might not be a big deal.

Here’s how it works… Once you are in a park (your ticket must have been scanned at the entrance), you go on the mobile app and pick your FastPass time. When I was there, I was able to do this every few minutes. As soon as you enter the queue for your time, you can pick a new FastPass.

Keep in mind that not all rides have FastPass. I sadly didn’t get to ride Peter Pan this trip since the line was always over 45 minutes and I had limited time due to training. But on the rides that offer FastPass, I didn’t wait more than 5 minutes. That’s huge on Radiator Springs Racers, Incredicoaster and some of the more popular rides.

Also as a bonus, you receive downloads of all of your PhotoPass pics for each day that you get MaxPass!! I LOVE the pics that Disney photographers capture and that alone may be worth the price. Check out just a few of the pics I downloaded…

One difference on the pics is that on the in-ride photos you have to be sure to record the number of your picture as you leave the ride and attach it to your account through the app. Simple process but it is a step more than just having it automatically added via your MagicBand at Disney World.

One advantage of MaxPass is that you don’t really have to decide ahead of time. Once you’re at Disneyland, it’s a simple process to purchase MaxPass on your app (be sure you’ve already downloaded the Disneyland app before you get there!).

There are a lot of differences between the Land and the World and on a future post, I’ll go through them. The main difference here is that MaxPass makes Disneyland seem much more spontaneous. Even though you have to spend some time on your phone picking your FastPasses throughout the day, you don’t have to spend any time before your trip deciding what to do. For a planner like me, I thought I would hate that. But it was a nice change to do things on the fly!!

Please give me a call if you’re thinking of heading to any Disney or Universal Destination. I can help you understand what you need to do ahead of time or wait until you are there and can save you stress and headaches!! And best of all, it’s free to book with me!!

** The $10/per person/per day price is considered the “introductory price” of MaxPass. I haven’t heard of a price increase but keep in mind that the price may have changed if you are reading this post at a future time.

That Time I Went to Disneyland by MYSELF!

So last week, I did something I would've never believed I'd do...  I went to Disneyland alone.  Without my family.  All by Myself!  

Here are some pictures to prove it:

If this post seems familiar, you are likely one of my awesome readers that pays attention to my posts. Yep, I did one just like this a couple of years ago when I went to Disney World by myself! Well, I got another amazing opportunity to do some Disney training and this time, it took place in California at Disneyland. So allow me to just copy and paste a bit here…

You may be wondering how I could be so cruel as to go there without my kids.  I thought the same thing before I went.  But it's not like I just yelled, "See ya suckers!" and took off for my Happy Place.  I went for training and really, truly, had no choice in the matter.  :)

I was offered a chance to go to Disney's Agent Education Program.  Of course since it's a training program for agents, families weren't allowed.  I really did agonize over the decision and went back and forth for a bit, but let me tell you - I'm so glad I went!  

It had been a while (literally 37 years) since I had set foot in Disneyland. I don’t know about you, but my memory isn’t that good so I really don’t remember it.  Besides that, there’s just a few things that have changed at Disneyland since then!!

In the next few weeks, I will post specifics about what I learned, what's new and exciting at Disneyland and even more tips and tricks that I learned from Disney Cast Members and the other agents in attendance.  I also feel the need to talk about the differences of Disneyland vs Disney World so that’s coming up soon. Spoiler alert: I love them both!!

I can honestly say I've NEVER come back from a work conference or training feeling pumped about my job - except for that one time a couple of years ago. :)  A Magical time was had for sure - AGAIN!!!

How to Get that High Score

Want to get the high score on Buzz Lightyear’s Space Ranger Spin ride at Disney? Read on for a couple of tips that will help!!


First, hold the button down on your laser shooter the ENTIRE time. It’s easier on your hand and it will shoot as fast as possible that way. You aren’t penalized for missed shots - in fact you earn points for shooting at all so just keep that button pressed!

As you are leaving a room, start lining up your shots (and shooting) into the next room. Some shots are hard to make right in front of the target as your gun doesn’t always move up or down enough. From a distance you can hit those targets with less of an angle.

As soon as you see the giant orange robot, aim for his hand!! This is a high scoring target worth 100,000 points.


The other 100,000 point target is below Zurg. This is one where you need to be aiming for it as you enter the room. If you wait until you are directly in front of Zurg, your laser shooter won't aim down far enough to hit the target.


The total points possible in the ride is 999,999 and it’s not that hard to get! Just hit those high value targets a few times and you’re there. Then you can brag to your family that you are a Galactic Hero!

space rank.JPG

Bragging rights are fun but I rarely remember the score I had - if you hit the high score, take a pic quickly before the ride ends for proof!!

And don’t forget that the ride has an in-ride photo spot - pay attention and you can come home with some great pictures along with your great memories (you did the Memory Maker, didn’t you?).


Considering a trip to Disney? Please give me a call! I love to help families plan their trip and as long as you book through me, my services are FREE! You won’t pay a penny more than if you booked your trip yourself. That’s even better than a high score!!


Got great news yesterday - I’ve been selected to go to Disneyland for an Agent Education Program!! If you’ve been reading my blog for a while now, you’ll remember that I was lucky enough to get to go on a similar training trip a couple of years ago to Disney World. I am ridiculously excited to get to go to Disneyland for this!

The last time I was at Disneyland was around 1980 (that’s me 2nd from the left in the Castle pic). Things have changed a bit since then! Although I keep up with Disneyland news and information via blogs, websites, podcasts… It’s amazing how seeing something in person can exponentially increase knowledge. So I’m ready to go and learn for you! Hit me up with any questions you have ahead of time (I’m going November 6) so that I can do my on-site research. I promise it will be ALL work and NO play!! :)

So What's in the Backpack??

If you look at our pics from Disney (there are a few), there’s always a big backpack hanging around. Doesn’t always look great in pictures but we couldn’t travel without it. So what do we carry in it? Glad you asked…

Camera - I took my big camera with the zoom lens but honestly with the advancement in phone cameras, you could probably get away with just your phone!

Phone - Obviously you need your phone! Don’t forget to download the MyDisneyExperience app before you go. Have any questions on how to use the app - ask me!

Battery Charger and Cord - With a full day at the parks using your phone and camera, you will most likely drain your battery. We invested in a battery charger that will charge 3 batteries at once which helps when you have kids with phones. Don’t forget your cord to plug in to your phone!!

Water - You can get free water at Quick Service locations but you’ll have to wait in line to do so. And it’s just a cup with no lid so if you don’t finish it, you can’t really save it for later. Take bottles with lids so that if you need to hop on a ride you can put it in your bag for later.

Flavor Packets - My kids aren’t fond of the taste of Florida water, so I bring flavor packets to help the taste. And you can get them with caffeine which helps a caffeine addict like myself!!

Sunglasses/Glasses - It’s typically sunny in Florida and although most of the rides/lines are indoors or in the shade, you may find yourself out in the sun for more than you expected.

Eye Drops/Contact Case - I wear contacts and nothing is quite as bad as a speck of dirt under your lens. Be prepared with the drops so you’re not miserable!

Wallet - Although you can charge everything to your MagicBand if you’re staying on site, I always like to have a credit card with me just in case. I always want to have my ID on me and a few dollars for emergencies.

Ponchos - Grab a few cheap ones at the dollar store. I usually get enough for us to each have one per day. That way if a rainstorm hits (which is typical in Florida), we can use them and throw them away without worrying about folding up wet ponchos and putting them back in our bag.

Gum - Are my kids the only ones that chew gum nonstop? Disney doesn’t sell gum in an effort to keep their parks clean and the animals safe. PLEASE be kind and discard only in the trashcans if you bring your own!

Ibuprofen - Along with a lot of walking comes sore feet. This is an easy one to bring that will be much cheaper than buying at the parks.

Chapstick - My family has a chapstick addiction. Don’t leave home without it.

Kleenex/Wet Wipes/Hand Sanitizer - You can always run in a restroom if you need to clean up a bit but sometimes you don’t want to walk those extra steps! And we all know Don is a germaphobe so having hand sanitizer is a must for us.

I also carry a few empty ziploc bags - they can be handy for a half-finished snack (which rarely actually happens). Or if you think the rain might return, you can shove those ponchos in there without getting the rest of your bag wet. I also like to have them to put our phones in if it’s particularly wet or we’re going on a wet ride.

A good idea is to put all of this in one bag (unless you plan to split up for a good portion of the day). That way you only have one person in your party go through bag check and everyone else can get on in the park which makes it faster for all. Don’t be a martyr though - take turns carrying the bag. I usually like to carry it since I’m always needing something out of it. And I call it my “workout” since I try not to actually work out on vacation. But if your kids are older, let them help!

Also, a backpack with side pockets for bottles really helps in that you don’t have to constantly take off the bag to root around for drinks. Keep a couple on the outside and you’re always ready.

Want more tips and tricks to help your vacation be as Magical as it can be? Call me! I’d love to plan and book your Disney Destination or Universal Vacation with absolutely NO FEES!!

To Stroller or Not to Stroller - the Burning Question of the Theme Park Visitor

So you’ve decided to take your family to Disney or Universal - YAY!! You’ve got some important decisions to make. One of the most difficult to decide is if you are going to take a stroller or not. Sounds simple but there are a lot of factors that go into the decision. Today, I’ll help you decide.

Your kids’ ages will play a lot into your decision. If you have an infant that you’re fine carrying in a sling, then you might get away with not pushing a stroller. If you have a toddler that has a hard time following the rules of holding hands then you may need the stroller just to make sure they stay with you at all times. An older child may be great at walking on their own and staying with you, but may lack the stamina to walk many miles in a day. If you think you’ll skip the stroller, be sure to do long walks ahead of time to get those little legs ready!

Here are my pros and cons for using a stroller:

Pros for Using Stroller:

  • Gives your child a ride and you can move quickly through the parks rather than dragging them along

  • You have a place to store your bag/food/drinks/souvenirs in the stroller storage

  • If you rent one outside the parks or bring your own, you can use it to get to the bus and to your hotel (you do have to fold it up on the bus)

  • Gives your child a place to nap while you shop/dine/wander the parks

  • If you have a kid that tends to dart off into crowds, the stroller can keep them right where you want them

  • When it’s hot, it’s nice to not have to carry a hot little body up against you

Pros for Going Without Stroller:

  • You don’t have to navigate the stroller through crowds

  • You can’t take strollers into most attractions so you have to take it to the parking area and find it when done with attraction - without it you can just jump in line for the attraction

  • You have to fold the stroller up when boarding Disney bus transportation - if your child is sound asleep, you may have to do this with one hand while holding your child so make sure it’s easy to fold!

  • Florida is notorious for thunderstorms that sneak up on you - you will probably need a rain cover if you have a stroller

  • Just one more thing to keep up with

  • You may not have a place to store your packages but remember if you stay on site, you can always have them sent straight to your resort

  • You’ll need to bring a bag (I’d suggest a backpack) to carry anything you might need. If it’s a hot day, you’ll want to bring lots of water!

  • Stroller rentals aren’t free - you’ll save a few bucks that you could use for a Dole Whip!

Don’t be afraid to call an audible and change your game plan when you’re there. If you get a few hours into your day and know that your child just won’t make it, go to the stroller rental!! It may cost you a few dollars more than if you reserved it ahead of time, but may save your sanity if you’ve got a toddler in meltdown mode.

I LOVED the last few trips we went on with no stroller. My kids are obviously older now and we didn’t need one but there’s something thrilling about graduating from the stroller days. Ask me tomorrow though and I may cry at the thought of not needing a stroller while I watch my oldest drive an actual car…

All families are different and have different circumstances. Call me and we can chat about your specifics and I can help you with your choice!